[quote="just jam them into the lands-that's where they need to be"
Me being me, I spent a few hours on the net and found out that this could have caused a massive pressure spike and blown me and the rifle to bits!! The "advice" was from a regular F class league shooter
Maybe its just that he didnt like me :)[/quote]
Some calibres, 6.5x284 and 7mm being two, can benefit from being loaded to seating into the lands by a few thou.
If the advice was indeed 'bung them into the lands' it was poor advice.
Into, or short of the lands by a few thousandths of an inch will increase accuracy depending on calibre. Excessive pressure could result but if you are careful and only change one element of your reloading procedure at a time, you should see any signs long before it becomes dangerous.
However, unless you are sure of what you are doing, you should take advice or do a course.
You can't be told too many times, not to exceed the manufacturers recommended loads.
Your gun has to be up to it too, what we are talking about here is advanced reloading and you need to know the state of your chamber (exact length to within a thou) and condition of your bore.
This is only a precis of what you need to know, best advice I can give is, not to run before you can walk and read all you can, there is a lot of good stuff (and some rubbish) about.
Sorry if this sounds negative, it's not meant to be. Reloading is time consuming, absorbing, and tremendously satisfying.
There is no satisfaction greater in shooting, than to construct your own ammunition and perform well with it.