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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:27 pm
by Blu
Sorry for the late reply but just found this thread Dromia you wrote
The hunting season with muzzle loaders starts before the smokeless
. Actually mate ML hunting in most States is after the smokeless, though saying that during the smokeless you may also hunt with shotgun or ML. In some States and counties you are only allowed to hunt with shotguns.

Blu :twisted:

Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:28 pm
by John25
DM. You said that the look on Mik Mak's face would be a sight.

Refraining from comments about his face (I'm going to need a new barrel soon)

I mentioned about shooting my 45/70 (nitro) he said welcome as long as it is less than 7mm.

I was going to look for some saboted rounds!

Anyway, good luck with your project
