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Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:51 pm
by Charlotte the flyer
Oh for some common rules. We asked for 1000/1200 in .22lr and got it in Staffs. They were concerned about my 500/600 7.62 though for some reason, and only on my ticket. Louise (same household, same time app, same interview) got 500/600 in both 7.62 and .308. I didn't ask for the .308 and got a grilling about the 7.62. He gave it to me in the end. Most odd.

Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:06 pm
by M99
Charlotte the flyer wrote:Oh for some common rules. We asked for 1000/1200 in .22lr and got it in Staffs. They were concerned about my 500/600 7.62 though for some reason, and only on my ticket. Louise (same household, same time app, same interview) got 500/600 in both 7.62 and .308. I didn't ask for the .308 and got a grilling about the 7.62. He gave it to me in the end. Most odd.
Lou' must have had better biscuits! bangbang

Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:31 pm
by Charlotte the flyer
She got the record for fastest aquisitions. Three slots filled within 10 minutes of picking the FACs up from the front desk of the cop shop. O:-)

Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:03 pm
by CDM5
Sorry no pictures tonight. Picking up an Anschutz match 64 tomorrow too ;)

Got another question: I've got a S1 shotgun on my FAC and buy/hold 200/300 slugs. Can I buy other types of cartridges without a shotgun certificate? I.e. birdshot.

Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:27 pm
by CDM5
Pics as promised

Re: A few FAC questions.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:58 pm
by CDM5
Took them to the range today.

The 10/22 is ammo fussy. Doesn't like the Geko ammo the club sells. Many failures to extract.
Ran mini mags fine though.

The Anschutz is great! I need a better scope though. I can see one hole groups in the future :good: