
If we entered a time of Civil Unrest/Armageddon/Zombie Attacking, what would we do?

Moderator: dromia

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Emergency planning regarding communication, water/food supply, shelter, equipment, transport and of course what guns to have with us!

Re: Intelligence

#101 Post by HALODIN »

wtf troutslapping :run:
snayperskaya wrote:The giant spiders will eat the zombies first!
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meles meles
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Re: Intelligence

#102 Post by meles meles »

We're minded of the rhyme...

Gold is for the mistress, silver for the maid;
Copper for the craftsman, cunning at his trade.
‘Good!’ said the Baron, sitting in his hall,
‘But iron – cold iron – is ruler of them all’.

*Continues to sharpen knives and fettle bang sticks*
CEO (Chief Excavatin' Officer)
Badger Korporashun

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
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meles meles
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Re: Intelligence

#103 Post by meles meles »

...and when the effluent looks about to hit the air circulator, we'll put a hefty mark-up on brollies !
CEO (Chief Excavatin' Officer)
Badger Korporashun

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
"Quelle style, so British"

Re: Intelligence

#104 Post by HALODIN »

"Gold is the money of kings. Silver is the money of gentlemen. Barter is the money of peasants. And debt is the money of slaves."

Re: Intelligence

#105 Post by Explosive »

DL. wrote:Your interest is clearly in buying silver as an asset of last resort, and holding it in coins for easy exchange/barter.

If people were interested in investing in bullion, the overhead costs of minting coins would be considered an unnecessary outlay.

Here's a nice picture of what I'm guessing are 15kg silver bullion bars in Poland - ... /467417424

That's what most investors want, clinical access to something that will return them a profit, not something with a maple leaf/eagle/panda/woman wearing a tea cosy on it!.
It's not difficult to hide a lump of tungsten in a bar, that's why I prefer coins, for a small preserver like me it's worth the small extra charge. But for the likes of HALODIN who can afford to buy his precious metals by the pallet load you are probably right. :)
DL. wrote:Also moving onto gold, I think an issue with using it as an asset to exchange for things has become more complicated as the price has risen. Years ago, I wondered what the point was in getting 1/4 and 1/10th troy ounce gold coins, but now I see why, they are easily exchangeable without having something worth a small fortune in one coin. Lucky that sovereigns are common place here.
I doubt sovereigns are common place any more, HALODIN has probably bought them all.

Re: Intelligence

#106 Post by Explosive »

bigfathairybiker wrote:I would have thought that any emergency bug out saving of gold, silver or any other currency would be worthless as the only thing anyone would want would be food or shelter. Or have I got the wrong idea?

What does bug out mean ?

Re: Intelligence

#107 Post by Explosive »

snayperskaya wrote:
bigfathairybiker wrote:I would have thought that any emergency big out saving of gold, silver or any other currency would be worthless as the only thing anyone would want would be food or shelter. Or have I got the wrong idea?

I think the only people that think gold will be worth having in a complete EOTWAWKI scenario are the people that have stockpiled gold and the brokers that sell it to those people.If it was a complete breakdown of society a la Mad Max style if someone has food and gold and you've got a shotgun it doesn't take a genius to see how that'll go.......hello bread and gold!!! bangbang :D


Re: Intelligence

#108 Post by Explosive »

snayperskaya wrote:I can see its worth in the event of currency collapse or the build-up to SHTF, thats obvious as stated earlier, and once society comes out the other side (if it does) it would be worth having but during I can see antibiotics/medication etc having more worth........what price would you put on Insulin for example?.
Please tell us about your stockpile of antibiotics/medication/Insulin

Re: Intelligence

#109 Post by Explosive »

This is a part of my stockpile of fresh meat. Nobody needs go hungry around here.



Re: Intelligence

#110 Post by Explosive »

HALODIN wrote:"Gold is the money of kings. Silver is the money of gentlemen. Barter is the money of peasants. And debt is the money of slaves."
And bullshit is the money of HALODIN

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