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Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:50 pm
by Dougan
Gwyn R wrote: No one holds it steady on the higher settings, you just learn how to release the shots when it's in the middle of the target.
That's good to be honest I shoot a bit like that even with low magnification :oops:

Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:02 pm
by Dougan
mr smith wrote:Dougan i believe you will need target turrets to do the marking off different distances.I would also say the scope would need to be decent quality to suffer the constant winding up and down,i've seen one or two have problems even with decent scopes.
Yes, that only dawned on me after I'd logged off last night - I do have a scope with turrets, but it will be on a different rifle on the day - That said, the scope on my 10/22 does adjust easily by finger so there may still be a way of marking it...

...I've not started tampering with it yet as I've got a club comp tonight; but experimenting and practice starts next week...

Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:10 pm
by Dougan
Thanks all for your comments on scopes as well...I've got a much better idea of what I may need in the future...

...I've been thinking about getting a better one for long range, and could then put my 8-32 x 50 on the 10/22...but, as suggested, I'll try different magnifications at different distances (I may not be able to get on with 8 minimum at the shorter ranges) before I make any decisions.

Re: The 1500

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:59 pm
by Gwyn R
Hi Dangermouse,
I've just checked and I use either Millett 6-25 x56's or EB Optimate 5-20x's on my 1500 guns. Both have target turrets which have never let me down since we started shooting GR, but to be honest the Millett is pretty heavy. The Optimate scopes are very clear and excellent value for money but they are sadly no longer available. I wouldn't really recommend using an 8-30x to someone unless they have had a lot of practice acquiring the targets at the closer distances, and even then they are quite limiting scopes to use for most GR shooters. 5 or 6x minimum at the 10 & 15m distances in Bianchi isn't ideal really but it's not the end of the world with the .22. I have a 1-6x on my .44 Bianchi gun (I think).

Dougan, I have those flat coin type adjusters on my Bianchi scope and all I've done is put a white round patch on top, marked off the distances around the outer edge, sealed it with cellotape and then just rotate it using the flat of my thumb. Alternatively just bond on a piece of alloy round bar, paint it black and mark it with normal tape. I've just made a black nylon one and stuck it on my new Zeiss for CSR rather than pay £150 for their own version.

I would love one of the March 5-30/40x scopes but there's no way on earth I could afford one of those though! :-(


Re: The 1500

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:58 pm
by Dougan
Gwyn R wrote:Dougan, I have those flat coin type adjusters on my Bianchi scope and all I've done is put a white round patch on top, marked off the distances around the outer edge, sealed it with cellotape and then just rotate it using the flat of my thumb.
Thanks, I'll give that a go - I'll be sticking to my usual scope (3-8) rather than use the 8-30...It'll make 50m difficult, but it's what I'm used to at 25 and better for the short stuff...

...I don't know what difference sorting the zeros out will make though, as I had a try at off-hand shooting tonight...slow fire wasn't too bad, but when I tried coming up from 45 degrees and shooting quickly I was all over the place...much more practice needed...

Re: The 1500

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:34 pm
by mr smith
Right never shot this comp before and perhaps foolishly entered for the Phoenix in smallbore only.Will have to give this thread a good read through now.

Re: The 1500

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:22 pm
by Dougan
My preparation for this weekend has been of mixed success - I'd just got my scope zeroed and marked for 25m and 10m when a club mate kindly sold me a Simmons 4x16x40 at a price I couldn't say no to. The range of magnification is so much better, and I've ended up using x4 for 10m and x12 for 25m...hopefully at x16 I'll be able to see the shots at 50m.

On the down side, the scope's elevation winder is loose, so I've had to fix it at the 25m zero; which now means aiming about an inch and a half high at's surprising how hard it is not to shoot instinctively at the center, especially rapid.

Of all the prep, I'd recommend starting practicing 'off hand' shooting as soon as possible...I've tried it 3 times now, and I'm quite confident that that'll be where I lose a lot of points...

Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:48 am
by Tony-c
I think weak shoulder at 50m is where your most likely to lose points :)

Im no good at the 1500 SB, but I shoot it because its fun and better value for money.

make sure you have a timer, with sounder disconnected.

Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:52 am
by mag41uk
The weak shoulder sections are definitely the deal breaker!
When I was doing more 1500 shooting I would spend a morning at the club just shooting weak shoulder only.
And I would do it at 60 or 70 yards. Makes shooting at 50 seem closer.
You need to train your brain so weak is as natural as strong.
Good luck at the weekend.

Re: The 1500

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:27 pm
by Dougan
I haven't shot the rifle and scope at all at 50m, let alone off handed at that that should be interesting.

One thing I've learned is that 2 weeks and 4 or 5 range visits isn't enough to prepare for this properly, so I'm just going to try to relax and enjoy it...if I decide to do it again then I'll make off hand shooting part of my regular practice.

Thanks for the tip about a timer - I'll just be using the stopwatch on my digital watch, reversed on my left wrist this time; but I'll get a chance at the comp to see what extra equipment others are using...also I got my specific squadding requests, so will get the chance to see others shoot it before I do.

Thanks for the advice and encouragement all...I'll let you know how it goes...