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Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:12 pm
by Blackstuff
The Yankee Doodles that are currently making after market parts for both guns have said that it would be a bad idea to try it with the Bora as the part of the stock you have to cut is hollow, as opposed to being solid on the MK1919. Have a look on the Saiga12 forum theres some info there.

A guy in the UK has done this (see video below) but unfortunately he never replies to any comments/questions on Youtube and neither does he describe how he's managed to do it (either safely or legally). You need an overall length on a semi S1 shotgun of 40", and if you measure the Bora that measurement is well into the buttstock. Adding a folding stock would definitely take you into Section 5/prohibited territory but you might JUST get away with a sliding stock (M4 type as shown in the video).

[youtube] ... 413Ke2Drt6[/youtube]

It should also be noted that the measurement of length for a normal AR-15 is taken from the tip of the buffer tube NOT the heel of the stock if a sliding/collapsible unit is on, as the butt pad/stock can be easily removed and still allow the gun to work, but if you took the buffer tube off it wouldn't. Where as if you removed the buffer tube on a Bora (or MKA1919 for that matter) it would still work as the bolt is retained in the receiver, it doesn't need the tube to work. The only way it would still be legal is if whoever was measuring/making the decision thought that because the buffer tube takes tools to remove it can be counted as part of the gun. I'm assuming that the guy above and the people who have put them on their MKA1919s are working on this premise

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:15 pm
by breacher
Forgetting the exterior styling for a moment.............umderneath, is the action and gas parts etc similar to a Hatsan ?

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:59 pm
by Dangermouse
No, not at all,


Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:04 pm
by Thorney
I'm shooting mine at a 4islands comp tomorrow, Steve at Shield assures me that no more ftf and mags drop out nicely. After my two handed mag extractions at the last comp I'm keeping Mu fingers crossed!

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:14 pm
by Primer
Thorney wrote:I'm shooting mine at a 4islands comp tomorrow, Steve at Shield assures me that no more ftf and mags drop out nicely. After my two handed mag extractions at the last comp I'm keeping Mu fingers crossed!
Your mags seemed to drop out easily when Steve was discussing and showing me what he had to do it when I was there on Thursday, so Touchwood you will be ok at Phoenix tomorrow.

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:24 pm
by Dangermouse
I have been fileing at my mag well for well over 4 hours now. First with hobby files & various levels of sand paper, then today bougt a 20mm wide file. Another 2 hours, plus time for dismantling etc and I am on the verge of having them drop free.
As I sat in the bath scrubbing up, it crossed my mind to take a blow torch to the mag well, maybe not, but i am wondering if there will be much movement between our season temperature changes,
it also crossed my mind to cut a bit awat from the left hand side well wall, like the new AI's, this may assist with quicker mag changes, or may knacker it uo completely.

On the subject of the hollow stock, it really is! I had a look at nut assembly housing and it really is thin and basic. I guess if you were planning on doing an AR stock conversion you might have to machine a custon metal part.


Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:44 am
by ovenpaa
Do not put heat near the stock. A b****** cut file roughs the material out followed by a block of wood cut to size with some fairy coarse wet and dry to finish it off. The well mouth can be blended to a smooth flare to guide the magazines in.

Cutting the stock and machining a block to suit should be straight froward enough however until you make the cut it is hard to say exactly how the job is going to work out. I will have a look if I can get my hands on a spare lower.

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:11 am
by dromia
GFRoSTY wrote:Blackstuff, I have to say many thanks for an awesome review.

I have also just got hold of a Bora 99 and currently waiting on a few bits to mod it further.
Your review has helped steer me and my thoughts especially with the belt and pouches as I intend to get involved with PSG this year.

I am interested in doing the buttstock modification but some are saying that this can't be done properly or is as straight forward than with the 1919, can any one confirm this?

Welcome to the Full-Bore UK GFRoSTY!

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Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:17 am
by breacher
Dangermouse wrote:No, not at all,

Any chance of a photo showing it stripped ?

Just curious to see how they have done the gas parts etc

Re: Bora 99 Ramble/Review/Info

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:24 pm
by Blackstuff
Shown in the video below;

[youtube] ... VZ5-smnybA[/youtube]