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Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:00 pm
by simong
Well I've got RM0062 . Boyds stock, changed the Green Mountain barrel for VQ carbon fibre ( being a wimp, I found the cf barrel easier for off hand.
Rimfire Magic put the original gun together within a week ( better than someone else who took a deposit and 5 months later only got the deposit back by threatening
CCj ! )

Like I said. Good folks

The Greek

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:39 pm
by Mike357
I have RM0012. Anybody any lower. Ditched the heavy Green Mountain barrel and replaced with a short VQ. Also had some additional fettling by PJS Precision.

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:34 pm
by DG68
After a couple of months of use I'm very pleased with the RM rifle, it's light, accurate and reliable. Although the Ruger American Rifle is a cracking little gun too, very light with a great trigger, good fun with the open sights too.

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:43 am
by nutcracker
How are you finding the vq barrel as opposed to the gm? In the process myself and cant decide!
Regards ben
and merry Christmas

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:58 pm
by Mike357
Takes a little bit of getting used to but I'm glad I swapped over. Lighter and shorter and just as accurate.

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:35 pm
by John1
DG68 wrote:I'm wondering if anyone owns a rimfire magic .22 rifle from SYSS? I'm just on the verge of buying my first rifle (tomorrow hopefully) and I've just been and had a look at one.
Does anyone own one and use it regularly for target shooting? I'd welcome some feedback.

I made the mistake of buying a Rimfire Magic and realized there was no magic in that rimfire. Then bought a REAL custom .22 semi auto, a 100% Volquartsen and later a Kidd trigger group from Black Diamond custom

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 10:33 pm
by adiepie
All I can say is sorry!

Mine is superb, has been since new, Roger and Sheila can't be beaten in quality (and in Roger's case, quantity....) of advice

Nobody I know who has any of their rifles has had a bad word to say about them!!


Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:21 am
by safetyfirst
Seconded, I know lots of people with them, the British Gallery rifle team speak highly of them too.

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:30 am
by dromia
John1 wrote:
DG68 wrote:I'm wondering if anyone owns a rimfire magic .22 rifle from SYSS? I'm just on the verge of buying my first rifle (tomorrow hopefully) and I've just been and had a look at one.
Does anyone own one and use it regularly for target shooting? I'd welcome some feedback.

I made the mistake of buying a Rimfire Magic and realized there was no magic in that rimfire. Then bought a REAL custom .22 semi auto, a 100% Volquartsen and later a Kidd trigger group from Black Diamond custom
As the rifle was not giving satisfaction did you return it to SYSS to see what the issues were and have them fettled.

Re: Rimfire Magic Rifle

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:05 am
by Topdogpippin
+1 and many more for SYSS. Obviously a "me too" addition but the strength of this company is not only the product but the customer service. Having dealt heavily in Part 2 SG's over the years and quite a bit in rifled firearms of late it is astonishing that how, in what is a limited and well communicated market, that customer service is so poor. This is probably more true of 'smiths than shops and I think they must go to Currys and only buy telephones with no buttons on them as they seem to be incapable of making out going calls! I have two 10/22 RM receivers on guns made up by myself with parts supplied from SYSS some sourced from elsewhere, using BX OEM mags I have NEVER had a misfeed from the one I use as a GR which has a 16" VQ Carbon barrel and a Boydsu stock, I built this to keep weight down because of a back problem. The other is in a practical format using some older heavily modified parts and is still very reliable. They are always on the end of a phone for help and advice and, given the size of the operation, very good turn around times. You are lucky to have such easy direct access to them, hope you and your son enjoy your purchases.