FAC/SGC medical request

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Re: FAC/SGC medical request

#21 Post by Mattnall »

bigfathairybiker wrote:Thinking about it, if I had just applied for a SGC then it would have been down to the police to contact the doctor. But as it was an FAC the law put the requirement that the applicant incurrs the cost.
Not sure about this. Has it changed recently? According to the HO Guidance to the Police (v.16 November 2015 - conveniently marked up as December 2015) it is down to the police to decide if they (ie the police) need to contact the GP. Not the applicant.
10.24 Once the applicant’s consent is given, it is open to the police to approach the applicant’s
GP at any time during the life of the certificate if there are concerns about the applicant’s
continued fitness to possess firearms.
There is no mention as to who pays any fees incurred. To my mind, if the police want the information and seek it themselves from the GP (and they can only get an opinion from the GP relating to suitability to possess firearms, not the full medical history) they can pay it.
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Re: FAC/SGC medical request

#22 Post by Blackstuff »

/\ /\ This.

It is a potential conflict of interest if you're paying for a report to say you're ok to do/own something.

My next FAC renewal is this coming February so i should be getting my renewal forms soon. Will be interesting to see if Durham is still trying it on with the meidcal report debarcle.
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Re: FAC/SGC medical request

#23 Post by dromia »

Where does it say in the legislation that we are required to provide a medical report?

Are the police just making this up?

If so why do we have to comply?

I give the police permission to contact my doctor on my renewal so why should I do their work and pay for it?

What are our "national" bodies advice on this?

Getting a licence seems to have become a lot more expensive, we were shafted with the fees increase with the annual review element and now they are wanting us to pay for a doctors report?

We need our representation to get a handle on this and stop this creeping increase in police applied conditions.

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Re: FAC/SGC medical request

#24 Post by Rockhopper »

My FAC/SGC was granted earlier this year - the only medical related thing I had to do was give them the name of my GP and give them permission to contact them. As I've previously said on this thread my FAO told me that they always write to the GP but that the GP very rarely replies. No costs incurred to me.
This is Derbyshire by the way.
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