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Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:33 pm
by snayperskaya
Sureshot wrote:
Who gave zeroing details ? I may have asked a question but I believe that's all.

I may be new to the forum but not to guns or the safe handling of them. So you can be guarenteed that if I ask the question I can answer it and then some.
I believe Blackstuff was referring to the fact you gave zero (as in none) details on why you wanted to know as opposed to "zeroing" details (as in sights or scopes).

Also if we can be guaranteed that if you ask a question you can answer it and then some........why ask the question in the first place?.
Not a dig, merely an observation.

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:34 am
by Gazoo
Sureshot wrote:
Blackstuff wrote:Call me a paranoid kill-joy but with a ban on "high powered semi-autos" on the cards, is it wise to extol the lethal capabilities of .22lr on a public forum, on a thread started by a new member, giving zero details as to why he/she wants to know such information?

.22lr is for target shooting and small vermin in this country, thats it.

It could be used for other things but then again the back of an axe could be used as a hammer and a couple of sticks can be used to start a fire.
Who gave zeroing details ? I may have asked a question but I believe that's all.
Lets get to the start

I have carried and fired 7.62 down to 357 and below etc on a daily basis so I am not backward regarding the stopping/killing distance of a round.

As a new member I will ask questions to try and get other new members to step up and do the same. you should remember that if a new member asks a question and get the truthful answer they wont make any mistakes.

I may be new to the forum but not to guns or the safe handling of them. So you can be guarenteed that if I as the question I can answer it and then some.

The forum is for everyone in my eyes not just those who have been here for a while

we are all a bit paranoid here girls troutslapping .
Hello sure shot, good question actually, I agree that a well placed .22 can do for most animals but of course we have moral objections to using "under powered" cartridges on animals in this country. Only right in my opinion although we are somewhat led by the nose by the deer people in funny hats in that matter and have gone OTT, I think.
If you were hungry and needed food, a .22 would do for anything. (except the big 5!!! elephant my butt !!). The Inuits use a .22 short to kill moose, by shooting them in the chest, which the moose hardly notices , then they track the animal across the snow by the small blood trail until they find it collapsed with a Pneumo/haemo thorax from the collapsed lung. Dispatch it and sledge it back to camp for dressing. I think they might eat the hot raw liver on the spot but I might have dreamt that.
I wouldn't want to risk going up against anything dangerous of course and am not advocating injuring animals but , if pinch came to a shove you can use it for lots of game. Personally only use it for rats and rabbits, I wouldnt take it out after foxes but if I saw one around my hens while I had my gun in hand , I would certainly give it one in the vitals.
Let's all play nice now :good:

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:12 am
by Blackstuff
snayperskaya wrote:
Sureshot wrote:
Who gave zeroing details ? I may have asked a question but I believe that's all.

I may be new to the forum but not to guns or the safe handling of them. So you can be guarenteed that if I ask the question I can answer it and then some.
I believe Blackstuff was referring to the fact you gave zero (as in none) details on why you wanted to know as opposed to "zeroing" details (as in sights or scopes).

Also if we can be guaranteed that if you ask a question you can answer it and then some........why ask the question in the first place?.
Not a dig, merely an observation.
/\ /\ This.

The reasonless question could easily be (mis?)interpreted as being quite provocative, particularly given the language (what will it 'drop').

Journo hacks and other ne'erdowells frequent shooting, hunting, fishing forums with the hope of gathering 'dirt' after a dozen or so seemingly genuine questions. No offence intended (if you are genuine of course). :good:

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:24 am
by Sureshot
I am sorry, I am not he to argue with anyone or to cause offence. When I re read my post I thought it sounded a bit curt an perhaps a bit rude.
Please accept my apologies.

I know the clowns on Europe are trying to really tighten the gun laws but as I say we are paid by the British pound and not the Euro so let them sod off.

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:29 am
by Blackstuff

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:20 pm
by Gazoo
Well unless someone has some info to share about Sureshot, I think he has been badly done to here. He asks a good question and opens a debate, we can't be suspecting crap journos all the time forsooth .
He apologises unnecessarily and I think shows good humour in doing so. He just asked a question. Reds under the bed ain't in it. We can't live like this, answer questions honestly and live by what you say. If what you say can be used against you then perhaps we need to re-evaluate some things .
The man is asking a fair question in a not illiberal way , as opposed to some of the remarks. I say again, welcome sureshot and if you turn out to be a crap journo or politician, your punishment will be to be what you are....ZEN or what? fingerscrossed
Idea for a thread, what we all do for work? might be interesting, I for one am not an agent with MI5 although many will be tempted to put stuff like that...gonna do it now, see if there are any patterns to jobs we gun nuts and potential mass murderers have. :good:

What will a .22 drop

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:42 pm
by safetyfirst
I'm a rock star Vatican assassin. I go where the pope points me. Lock and load.

Re: What will a .22 drop

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:54 pm
by Sureshot
Thanks for the reply Gazza. I know that the sport/hobby is in the lime light now with all the goings on regarding some of the lunatics who have guns or access to them.

I have some morals and am for sure not a Journalist nor a Politian. I know that people can be quoted out of context but if its not liable I would not give a toss. I still believe that we have the thing called free speech in the U.k and can voice an opinion be it right or wrong.
The clowns that are trying to destroy our sport/hobby have no idea about guns other than if you point it at something, pull the trigger it goes bang (if loaded). You need to remember most who are trying to change the laws are Lawyers/Solicitors and do gooding Politicians who are fed crap from so called Journalists or those who profess to have great knowledge regarding fire arms.

Well that's my rant over .Love you all.