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Re: mosin nagant
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:08 pm
by safetyfirst
nearly there wrote:Fair enough if he is genuine I wish him all the best but I still do not feel comfortable with sending details like that via email.I even offered to collect in person and show my fac or he could have sent it to my local rfd but that was still not a option.I wish him all the best in his business
every single RfD transfer I've ever done both RFD's have swapped certificates by email.
Every sale or purchase I make I email details to the police.
I've sent copies of the front section of my FAC to several reputable RFD's.
But each to their own.
Re: mosin nagant
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:07 pm
by nearly there
safetyfirst wrote:nearly there wrote:Fair enough if he is genuine I wish him all the best but I still do not feel comfortable with sending details like that via email.I even offered to collect in person and show my fac or he could have sent it to my local rfd but that was still not a option.I wish him all the best in his business
every single RfD transfer I've ever done both RFD's have swapped certificates by email.
Every sale or purchase I make I email details to the police.
I've sent copies of the front section of my FAC to several reputable RFD's.
But each to their own.
Yes rfds will show there certs to each other but I won't show mine to someone I haven't met by email,it's pretty basic stuff I think.I think this has headed off topic and as such stop.I've sourced a rifle now so can this be treated as closed.
Re: mosin nagant
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:12 pm
by Hunter87
Alpha1 wrote:Why a carbine the long rifle is a much better rifle and pleasanter to shoot. I have owned them all at one time or another and much prefer the long rifle.
I guess the OAP wants a carbine LOL