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Re: Blunderbuss

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:01 am
by dromia
Strangely I doubt that.

It isn't metrification, digitalisation and globalisation in themselves that are the problems but the mindlessness of the masses who embrace such stupidities for gewgaws and instant gratification with no thought to the consequences.

Re: Blunderbuss

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:08 pm
by breacher
dromia wrote:ttiuwp of you firing it!!!

You used to be able to buy carpet tacks by the lb for such things.
I was at a shooting show in Reno in the 90s - basically a car boot sale but all guns !!

One guy was selling 12 bore cartridges loaded with carpet tacks for home deeefence !

The sign said "There aint no plastic surgeon can fix what these will do to an intruder".