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Re: What to buy

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:09 am
by dromia
BSA Century, well less than £200 and as accurate as you want, receiver machined to take scope mounts.

Re: What to buy

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:55 pm
by Sim G
Alpha1 wrote:To night I took my mauser .22 training rifle one of the last ones made before mas took over the tooling and started churning out the copies. I have never fired it before its a iron sights jobby it caused a great deal of interest. But Im guessing I probably will never shoot it again. Its more a piece of history rather than a shooter.

I've got 125 year old rimfires that still get shot regularly. You're a shooter more than an enthusiast, Dave. Get a CZ. And if you thought loading for a specific rifle was frustrating, wait till you try finding the optimum .22 ammo for your rifle!

Re: What to buy

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:12 pm
by Alpha1
While I was there i got the opportunity to shoot one of the guys CZ452 it was OK except for the trigger it seemed a bit clunky I did not do very well with it. I also got to handle a very nice anchutz that probably cost as much as a full bore rifle. They all have moderators fitted I don't understand that bit. Why do you need a moderator on a 25 yard indoor range and the scopes are way to power full. The targets look like they are swaying left to right at an alarming rate. They have a full bore shoot on Saturday its 300 yards and apparently its a competition I don't normally shoot competitively should be fun.(interesting) fingerscrossed

Re: What to buy

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:04 pm
by Alpha1
Well the fullbore shoot turned out OK. My trusty Steyr SSG 69 did me proud I did not show my self up. In fact I think I did OK some of the exotic very expensive go faster jobbies did no better.
I have decided to buy a CZ heavy barreled 20" .22 bolt action rifle. I have no intention of fitting a moderator I can not see the point at 25 yards. If that goes Ok and I can some how free up a slot I will think about a semi auto but for now a bolt action will do. Just need to find one at the right price and sort a variation out. All I have to do now is decide which rifle I get rid of to free up a slot. Decisions decions.

Re: What to buy

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:18 pm
by bradaz11
Why does distance make a difference to noise reduction?

Re: What to buy

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:41 pm
by Alpha1
It dosnt make any difference why do you need to moderate a .22. any way. Why do you need a moderator on a 25 yard range when every one is wearing ear muffs. Its a fashion thing and serves no purpose what so ever on a indoor .25 range.

Re: What to buy

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:27 am
by Les
Alpha1 wrote:It dosnt make any difference why do you need to moderate a .22. any way. Why do you need a moderator on a 25 yard range when every one is wearing ear muffs. Its a fashion thing and serves no purpose what so ever on a indoor .25 range.
A lot of the shooters at my club have permissions where they shoot rabbits etc. They use subsonic ammunition and a moderator to disguise the muzzle noise, and when they come to the club the moderator is usually still on the rifle.

Some clubs are fairly close to residential areas, and a moderator helps with the noise reduction. It becomes a bit pointless if the club allows firearms up to 44 mag, though.

Then there are the ones who just think a moderator looks 'cool' .......................... 8-)

Re: What to buy

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:39 pm
by Alpha1
Its going to be a CZ 452 Varmit 20" barrel. Not screw cut for a moderator because a moderator is a waste of time/money at 25 yards indoors. £360.
Fitted with a FOX scope. Job done.

Re: What to buy

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:56 am
by Kungfugerbil
Alpha1 wrote:Job done.

Take a look at the following PDF for a guide to accurising the 452 - it's designed from a benchrest point of view and the availability of some parts (like trigger kits) is better now, but well worth a read. ... sation.pdf

Re: What to buy

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:06 am
by Alpha1
Thanks. A interesting article.