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Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:08 pm
by Mike357
TG welcome.
The only stupid question is the one you don't ask! There is a goldmine of knowledge on here!
Might I suggest you catch up with 20series on here who I believe shoots the 22 space guns like yourself, AR15 as has been mentioned and some of the F-Class guys.
If you have a problem reading wind, and lets face it, who doesn't, how about the F-Class training weekend at Bisley next Feb?
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:27 pm
by Christel
Wind.... ... RA&id=2649
15th of July 2011.
Wind Coaching Course (National Shooting Centre (NSC), Bisley)
Short wind coaching course.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:29 pm
by dromia
BTW with historic you'll be welcome on any range in the country as all shooters understand that discipline. TR you may get interest out of curiosity as it is rarely seen on ranges outside Bisley, but the leather straps and bondage gear will always get you strange looks. :lol:
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:54 pm
by dromia
TattooedGun wrote:well, I'm young dumb and full of... optomism, so what can we expect :)
historic does seem like it would be a good way to go for a level playing field :)
Thanks for the tip :)
You may be young but you don't need to be dumb the two do not necessarily go together. But look around, test and try, speak to a wide range of shooters and put your optimism where it will be encouraged rather than ground out of you with false starts and promises.
NRA = Not Really Adaptable.
Look and learn from History, the NRA has done more in the last 50 years to stifle shooting than any other single body.
I was in the hall when Albie Fox started the Sportsmans association to fight for our pistols and two be-blasered NRA officals were behind me saying to one another, "we must try and stop this the government won't like it".
We have been told on here by people whose sincerity and passion for change I do not doubt that change will happen but we have yet to see any change from the ultimate of conservative organisations.
I was at Bisley at the weekend and ended up in a "discussion" with a TR shooter who told me it was the purest of the shooting sports and anything else was just playing at shooting and didn't count, he had NRA plastered all over him he was telling me that the NRA was there to preserve TR and nothing else.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:24 pm
by Robin128
It'll never change Dromia. :(
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:18 pm
by Rifleman798
Welcome to the forum mate, Nice to have another younger shooter joining the ranks.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:44 pm
by 20series
Welcome to the forum, nice to see another small-bore shooter on here
keep plugging away the scores will come, I have my first 25yd "poss" framed on the wall in front of me
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:16 pm
by Dougan
Welcome TattooedGun
That's an nice piece of Anschutz you have there - I have one of it's older relatives :) Nice 'ten bull' target too - you've probably already been told this (or read it), but do you line up naturally on the 'top left' target and then shoot the whole card? ...the 2 dropped shots are on the right half of the target...which can be typical of this. I don't have the patience to line up naturally on all ten, but found that shooting the left 5, and then realining to shoot the right half helped.
If you can shoot '10 bull' like that, then you could be very good at TR. You just need to start putting some decent ammo down your rifle, learn what you can about calculating the wind (and elevation), and then practice will make perfect.
Don't listen to grumpy old Dromia - TR is not 'withering on the vine' - but it does need some more 'young blood'...that said I do regularly see young TR shooters (including girls..encouragingly) at Bisley.
Personally I shoot TR (sm and fb), MR and GR (sm and fb). TR is my favorite
, but I'm loving GRCF (new to me), and as for 'pure' shooting...I find shooting classic rifle (original spec) very satisfying. And if I had more time (and money) I'd also like to try F class.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you that one type of shooting is better than another - we all have our own biases...but to keep shooting alive as a sport, we All need to stick together
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:30 pm
by Robin128
Perhaps we should have a small-bore section on here...but good luck trying to get NRSA to come on and give their advice, fixtures etc...tried and failed.
I shoot 22lr target from bench rest...and believe it or not at 50 I one hole also.
Re: Ovenpaa sent me...
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:32 pm
by ovenpaa
There are a few SB shooters on here so with enough interest it is worth looking at.