NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#21 Post by RDC »

hitchphil wrote: Again you have quoted some points out of context to suit your own view 'address balance' applies to the original thread not this.

Originally I was hoping you'd clarify your point. You could have said those comments were purely WRT the debate for clubs. However you seemed to feel you needed to justify almost.

I am the ONLY candidate who even bothered to ask you in this forum for votes & who even took the time to read replies & respond - so who else is going to help your plight? or is continuing in isolation, unsupported a better option?

Rather than see it as an attack, why not see how it was intended, as a voter seeking clarification on a point before voting.

I get that there are many, especially in the regions who think NRA is not for them, does little & they have no choice but be members & in fact that bit is true - if you want to use MoD ranges you need to have RCOs & SCC's & again out of context - NSRA/BASC/CPSA etc cant do that = cant issue SCC's or train RCO's & certify them or negotiate with MoD for their use.

So whats better work with or in-spite of NRA because actually you dont have a choice & there isn't going to be another one coming along any time soon?

All you are telling me is that the NRA should be able to bend us over because no one else can. We have no choice but to take whatever shafting they decide to implement.

Yes i have a caravan. 2 unis, BYSA, kids & club use it way more than I do & for nominal £ if not just a beer. So am not a selfish or self interested as you try to portray me to be! & affordable accommodation options for regional shooters can include them as members rent them for less than the cost of a room - if we are not developed off camp! we do that now for any shooters who come to Bisley once a year.

I wasn't trying to portray you in a selfish light at all. If it came across like that then I can only apologise. I was trying to draw comparison between something you are passionate about making better, and my passion for making sure regional shooters don't get bummed like the NRA is bumming those with accommodation at Bisley.

This forum in particular has a bad rep for negativity........ & some advised me not to even bother canvasing here & maybe they were right? Do you just want to attack & undermine the only person asking you for support? so for info & ideas too on how to do that? or see what might be possible?

This forum gives a National voice. Sometimes it seems the NRA is only interested in the views of Yes men. Whoever suggested you don't canvas here only wants to hear praise for the NRA, doing the NRA a disservice.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#22 Post by Pete »

I'm a life member, and I have to say I've been aware of a "We're doing you a favour letting you shoot here, so get over it" attitude from some members of staff on the (very) few occasions when I've felt compelled to raised an issue..........I've decided they are probably ex services (non-commissioned), so I've forgiven them.........
It's the only place that I can shoot conveniently, and I'm generally happy with the facilities.

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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#23 Post by Chapuis »

I dislike negativity, it's so easy to be critical of shooting organisations especially so if you are one of those people who has never done anything positive yourself to support or promote shooting sports. However in this instance Hinchphil you have reminded me of the very reasons why I am no longer a member of the NRA, and why if I were a member why you would not get my vote.

Put in very basic terms the NRA has become a self serving organisation that only really benefits those who consider it their base. The organisation should be stripped of both charitable status and definitely the right to call itself the national governing body.

I am now making a vow that I will never again be a member of any club that is affiliated to the NRA until the NRA significantly changes its whole approach to shooting and returns to being (if it ever was) a truly national organisation. In future all my shooting will be on private land or on private ranges which have no association with that organisation.

Rant over - I have no more to say on the subject.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#24 Post by FredB »

Pretty negative for someone who hates negativity!
I live 130 miles from Bisley and only get there once or twice a year. I have never encountered any problems of any kind in more that 40 years of visiting. I don't shoot prone rifle of any sort and was once a pistol shooter.
Obviously, a lot of people---mainly those who use military ranges--- have problems. As an outside observer, it appears to me that these people would not get to shoot at all without the NRA.
To quote J F Kennedy: "ask not what your country can do for you---ask what you can do for your country". This sentiment is applicable to all national organisations, especially sporting ones.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#25 Post by MistAgain »

As far back as I can remember , every shooting association has sold out one type or another type of shooting to appease the powers that be , and retain “their type of shooting”.
This has all been well documented by people like Colin Greenwood or Jan Stevenson .

Yet it still continues .The NRA would appear to be limited in how it fights for shooters because it is a charity . But its not limited in other matters that can help shooters in far flung parts of the country. And that seems to be its big failing .

The NRA , could if it wanted , help lay the groundwork for an group that would really fight for all shooters and nothing else . No discounts on 4x4's , or fancy shooting holidays or insurance policies that have even smaller print under the small print , just a group fighting to keep the present number of shooters and increase that number .

So if anyone is standing for election thinks the way I do and states it , they just might get a few extra votes.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#26 Post by RDC »

hitchphil wrote:I am not going to reply to look after the interests of non members over members, if thats what you are asking me to do?
I have been thinking about this a bit more after what Chapuis posted. Such an attitude doesn't support the charitable aim of the NRA, which is to promote and encourage marksmanship across the Commonwealth. Not just across its membership and NSC... There is more to shooting in the UK than just Bisley, decisions made by the National shooting body should reflect that it meant to be National. Not rinsing the regional shooters for the sake of Bisley.

I do appreciate your encouragement and work in youth shooting does support this charitable aim.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#27 Post by lapua338 »

I have always wondered how the NRA became the de-facto so-called 'national governing body'.

Shameless self-promotion and self-justification perhaps?

Their 'rules' and handbooks are irrelevant to many of us.

They have never represented me, my clubs and many active members of the shooting community.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#28 Post by mag41uk »

Easy solution. Build a range oop north and start a new governing body.
Cant be that difficult.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#29 Post by Sfwh »

mag41uk wrote:Easy solution. Build a range oop north and start a new governing body.
Cant be that difficult.
As a regular user of Bisley, who lives only 45 minutes away, I am horrified to learn that the NRA priorities Bisley over the rest of the country. Given the appaling state of the Bisley staff and their awful attitude towards all shooters, I dread to think what the areas they ignore are like. I couldn't agree more with the statement that Bisley staff feel you owe them something and I think they have survived for too long in the knowledge that they have no real competition and people love shooting enough they will just put up with the NRA.

I wish someone would open a new NRA up North because even if you only had a 5-yard range, £10.50 and a half-dead monkey to run the place that amount of competition would probably still kill Bisley. Bisley is conveniently located to me and if I had to drive 4 hours up north I would do so whistling all the way happy in the knowledge that the NRA was dead.

I am a young shooter and all my friends are young shooters. I like everything the NRA seems to hate, muzzle brakes, black powder, affordable shooting for everyone and CSR. so my only question is, where are these private ranges people use because everyone I know would love to go to them instead of supporting the young people despising, fun hating, money-loving NRA.
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Re: NRA General Council Elections - Vote for me please

#30 Post by daman »


Like you, I live close enough to Bisley is the only contact I have with the NRA so I can't comment on the NRA as a national body (I'm a full member as well as a member of several affiliated clubs).

Certainly from the comments on here, it sounds like they are not serving the regions properly.

However, my experience of Bisley and the NRA has been very different from yours - the staff generally know what they are doing and are polite and efficient. I shoot BP there now and again, and if you think they're anti-fun you should try the practical shotgun, mini-rifle or LBP leagues.

I'd love to understand why we seem to have had such different experiences there.

That all said I'd fully understand your comments if they were in relation to the NSRA or Fulton's!


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