Parting off problems

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Re: Parting off problems

#21 Post by Alpha1 »

This bandsaw has been proving to be a bit of a chore. It locks up at the end of cut and sheds its blade. Its been doing it on a regular basis up to now. Yesterday I needed to cut a piece of round bar stock down from 30cm to 18cm it cut through 96% of the stock then the blade locked up and jumped off the guide wheels. The cut was not square either so a lot of work is needed facing off before I can do anything with the bar stock.
So I took it to bits the saw that is. It turned out to be the blade roller bearings the rear are off centre. The blade is slipping down the side of the bearing and locking the blade up. I guess I should have taken more time to set the thing up when it arrived like a numpty I expected it to be set up to work out of the box.
I spent a couple of hours stripping it and working out how it actually works along with watching some youtube videos on how they should be set up. One guy has been running one of these for 40 years and he is still using it. Obviously not a Clarke jobby but it looks like the same machine just a different colour.
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Re: Parting off problems

#22 Post by ovenpaa »

Running out on the cut is sometimes down to feed. If I lean on my saw or set it too heavy it does the same.

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Re: Parting off problems

#23 Post by Alpha1 »

Ovenpaa wrote:Running out on the cut is sometimes down to feed. If I lean on my saw or set it too heavy it does the same.
Thanks, I pressed down on it on one occasion and it ran off. I will try setting it a bit lighter and see if that helps. I could do without it playing up at the moment I have actually got some paid work for the lathe. It's a start.
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Re: Parting off problems

#24 Post by Alpha1 »

I think I have it sorted. I slackened off the tensioner and adjusted the guide rollers.
Up to now, it's working fine.
Just as well I was working to a deadline they had to be posted out before the Xmas cut off. Three sets of custom bushings and two big jobs. Two big jobs for me anyway as I am not a machinist.
They went out to a well-known local custom pen maker that supports the blind veterans association. I machined up .308 and .303 cases and bullets so they can turn them into ball pens to raise funds for the charity.

I have got my eye on a lathe I am trying to work out how to raise the issue with her indoors without ending up in the divorce courts. Do you think the Charity thing will swing it?

I will probably be working with this Charity on an ongoing basis. I think it's worth supporting and I enjoyed the challenge. Turning the bushings to tight tolerances was intense.
Modifying the cases and bullets was different Bill the pen turner has obviously done this lots and lots of times. I just worked to his instructions and everything turned out just fine.

teanews Whats next oh yeah it's supposed to be Xmas. Fook it lets just go play in the Shed.
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Re: Parting off problems

#25 Post by Alpha1 »

If anyone wants me I am in the shed from the 24th of December untill the 28th then I am going in to work with a friend of a similar age and we are going to sit in the control room staring at each other and chewing the fat and probably playing with the machines that they won't let me use normally because I don't have a bit of paper that says I have served an apprenticeship as a fitter and turner.

Home for the new year,s eve (Boring Boring) They won't let me back in on the 2nd of January but me and my buddy will be in the day after.

If we are not allowed to use the machines we will probably set up a reloading station on one of the benches and crank out some ammo. Did I mention that he is a shooter a reloader and an Engineer that has worked all over the World?. He is not allowed to work the machines either? He actually bought one of the lathes that they wanted to scrap just to pee them off then left it sat in its original position in the workshop disconnected and it's still there.

The rest of the troops report back on the 20th of January.

It's a strange old world we live in. Right the single malt is kicking in now so good night God bless everyone at full bore UK thank you for helping to keep me sane and not losing the plot in this crazy year.
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