I just added a 308 browning BLR to my collection, it's 40 years of age, was cheap as chips (one of them is knocked out of the stock/action wood joint) all I can say is WOW, the action is so quick and smooth you can see where Henry got their inspiration when they designed the long ranger.
TBH I wasn't expecting much but the bore is like a mirror from chamber to crown, the only problem, if indeed it is one, is the chamber is on the tight side of the specification and cases previously used in my ruger #1 that have only ever been necksized require a full length resizing, in their neck sized state they hang up with about 10 -15 mm sticking out whereas factory and full length resized ammo drop straight in.
I now also have the opportunity to acquire a savage mod 99 just over 100 years of age but for some reason am mithering significantly, probably because it's in savage 22 hi power which is always going to be a pain to get ammo supplies for.
For pistol calibres I still maintain the rossi is the dogs danglies.
This is a group I shot with the rossi yesterday, with silvalub RN 158 grn bullets at about 1000 fps, I shot the 5 on the uppermost paper( which was the luck of the draw xmas shoot - scores on the rear of the sheet, got me second place in my squad against a bull barrel 10/22!!! ) FWIW it's the best group I've ever made with that gun, quite a pleasant surprise except my son shoots it even better.