Re: Email from nra concerning rco test
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:01 am
The most telling thing about the nra and its sister shyster organisations is the divisions they cause and how they just seem to thrive on it.
Whatever the NRA/Bisley shooting club proselytisers drivel on about what they cannot deny is that good range access for over 300 yrds target shooting across the UK is dire and that is the failure of the NRA as they claim to be the champions of this type of shooting.
Bisley is fine making money for mercer and the nra so the rest of the country can feck off.
This isn't opinion but fact is anyone was to bother to look across the country.
Shooting in the UK is knackered due in equal measure to the anti gun lobby, the HO, the not now ACPO lot, politicians, our anti gun institutions and the shooting national bodies.
All this is in plain sight, regardless of the national bodies slavering on about all that they have/are done/doing the outcome is still the demise of shooting.
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
That sums up the nra's national "support" perfectly.
The worst is that the nra don't care and many bisley shooters think that is OK.
Division, division, division!
Whatever the NRA/Bisley shooting club proselytisers drivel on about what they cannot deny is that good range access for over 300 yrds target shooting across the UK is dire and that is the failure of the NRA as they claim to be the champions of this type of shooting.
Bisley is fine making money for mercer and the nra so the rest of the country can feck off.
This isn't opinion but fact is anyone was to bother to look across the country.
Shooting in the UK is knackered due in equal measure to the anti gun lobby, the HO, the not now ACPO lot, politicians, our anti gun institutions and the shooting national bodies.
All this is in plain sight, regardless of the national bodies slavering on about all that they have/are done/doing the outcome is still the demise of shooting.
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
That sums up the nra's national "support" perfectly.
The worst is that the nra don't care and many bisley shooters think that is OK.
Division, division, division!