Selling ammunition procedure

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Re: Selling ammunition procedure

#21 Post by Pippin89 »

Graham M wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:33 am
MistAgain wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:42 am
Graham M wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:52 pm We have a chap who buys 12,000 rds of match ammo for the club and then sells it to the members for the cost of what he bought it for. This is the best way of ensuring that we can get it slightly cheaper by buying bulk.
These FEO's are making it up as they go along and need to be reigned in by those who are supposed to look after us.

All your chap is doing is hastening the local RFD's to cease trading .
Absolutely not!!!
He buys from Eley who give us a good deal and passes the savings on to the club. Why on earth would we choose to pay more from a dealer????
If you had the chance to buy your utility supplies cheaper by paying by direct debit, would you then choose to use a pre-payment card and pay 10% more any????
I guess another way of looking at this, is that you are pooling your money and buying in bulk together. Slight manipulation of the course of events but its not hard to argue that is the case.

For the record, I don't disagree with any of you. Merely pointing out what a local RFD told us.
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