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Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:41 pm
by spud
dromia wrote:Lacking Moral Fibre.


Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:15 pm
by Dougan
Hmmm, why would an NRA staff member choose to leave... :-P ...maybe he was one of those 'wierd' types who preferes constructive critisism to rudeness...

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:37 pm
by Christel
Dougan wrote:Hmmm, why would an NRA staff member choose to leave... :-P ...maybe he was one of those 'wierd' types who preferes constructive critisism to rudeness...
Oh, are you implying we are rude on FB? Or that we can't give constructive criticism?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:40 pm
by karen
Dougan wrote:Hmmm, why would an NRA staff member choose to leave... :-P ...maybe he was one of those 'wierd' types who preferes constructive critisism to rudeness...
Er he's not a staff member = General Council members are all volunteers!

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:08 pm
by Dougan
christel wrote:
Dougan wrote:Hmmm, why would an NRA staff member choose to leave... :-P ...maybe he was one of those 'wierd' types who preferes constructive critisism to rudeness...
Oh, are you implying we are rude on FB? Or that we can't give constructive criticism?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well there's quite a bit of criticism (some of it deserved) - but from a few, little of it seems constructive, and a little of it, just seems rude....

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:10 pm
by Dougan
karen wrote:
Dougan wrote:Hmmm, why would an NRA staff member choose to leave... :-P ...maybe he was one of those 'wierd' types who preferes constructive critisism to rudeness...
Er he's not a staff member = General Council members are all volunteers!
Sorry Karen, can you clarify that - are all the Reps volunteers?

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:10 pm
by ovenpaa
Volunteers voted in by those in the area.

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:18 pm
by Dougan
ovenpaa wrote:Volunteers voted in by those in the area.
:shock: - I didn't realise!....that then begs the question...who would volunteer to be the NRA Northern Rep!? :P


Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:27 pm
by ovenpaa
Not me as it is not my region however if it had been local.....

As I see it, there is no point in bitching about something, better to try and change it or at least influence it.

Re: Northern NRA Rep

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:36 pm
by Alpha1
Well there's quite a bit of criticism (some of it deserved) - but from a few, little of it seems constructive, and a little of it, just seems rude....
I live in the North East of England I am 61 years old I have been shooting more years than I care to remember. Currently it is very difficult to get any range time in due to the lack of ranges available to civilian shooting clubs. Bisley is probably a great facility but due to its location is just a no no to me. Thats fine I dont have a problem with that. The NRA(National Rifle Association) the clue is in the name suggested that we should have a Northern rep to present our views and that he would promote shooting in the Noth East and hopefully consolidate us so we could share shooting facilities. And hope fully even open up some ranges in the area that would be readlly available to us all.
Well being born and bred in the North East it is natural to me to tell it as it is thats the way we are if you are not up to the job then do not go there because we will tell you in no uncertain terms you are not cuttting the mustard.
The guy took the job on he promised the earth and fell at the first hurdle if he could not take criticism then he should not have taken the job on.
The opinion of my self and my fellow club members is that this guy does not cut the mustard nothing personnel but he is not the man for the job.
The NRA is not a National association and the sooner they admit that the better they do not have the resources to be a National Body.