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Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:47 am
by the running man
Yeah I don' gget it when they call us poms,P.O.M.I. means, prisoner of majesty's imperial....which means them not us!
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:24 am
by Geordie bloke
What is a Sandgroper??????
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:52 am
by Christel
Geordie bloke wrote:What is a Sandgroper??????
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:04 pm
by ovenpaa
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:06 pm
by dromia
Geordie bloke wrote:What is a Sandgroper??????
Petting down on the beach.
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:15 pm
by eljay
sandgroper: slang for west australian, banana bender: queenslander, cockroach: NSW, mexican: victorian, crow eater: south aussie. seeing as this is a bit more delicate than the aussie forums, what we call people from the ACT shall forever remain a secret, but as that is the seat of the gubbermint, i will leave it to your imagination. ovenpaa, you not on AHN by any chance?
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:18 pm
by ovenpaa
Eljay, I am indeed on AHN although I have never plucked up the courage to ask for access to the 'special' section...
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:38 pm
by Sandgroper
In the ADF (Australian Defence Force) Canberra is known as The Land of Mordor!
the running man wrote:Yeah I don' gget it when they call us poms,P.O.M.I. means, prisoner of majesty's imperial....which means them not us!
Urban myth - no-one knows why you're called Poms. The two most likely trains of thought is that it's short for pomegranate (red, rosy sunburnt cheeks - fresh off the boat) or it's short for pompus! :lol:
dromia wrote:Well they are all bred form criminals aren't they?
Yep, from good British stock!
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:48 pm
by eljay
ovenpaa, never got on the special section either, but dont need to, there is enough "special" people on the base forum. "land of mordor" fits them to a tee.
Re: greetings from Oz
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:56 pm
by ovenpaa
Eljay, I visit from time to time when I feel the need for some more spirited less PC views on hunting, plus the jokes of course. Land of Mordor is probably being too kind :lol: I also check out the OZ Fclass from time to time.
We work with Chris of Actionclear hence the Aussie interest.