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Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:16 pm
by TattooedGun
SevenSixTwo wrote:You gotta 'Cole' too! I assume you know the meaning?
No idea...?
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:43 pm
by SevenSixTwo
It's named after one of Spike's kids.
(RSR) = Beginning Letters of Driver45 (Ray), His Son's, and Wife's name.
(CCR) = Spike's Sons Initials.
(COLE) = Spike's Son's name
(KAI) = Spike's Daughters name
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:30 pm
Cool, thanks.
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:43 pm
by Alpha1
[quoteIt's named after one of Spike's kids.
(RSR) = Beginning Letters of Driver45 (Ray), His Son's, and Wife's name.
(CCR) = Spike's Sons Initials.
(COLE) = Spike's Son's name
(KAI) = Spike's Daughters name ][/quote]
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Any way So how much does a new Lantac Raven in .22 cost now a days. Whats a good second hand price for one.
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:09 am
by TattooedGun
Alpha1 wrote:
SevenSixTwo wrote:It's named after one of Spike's kids.
(RSR) = Beginning Letters of Driver45 (Ray), His Son's, and Wife's name.
(CCR) = Spike's Sons Initials.
(COLE) = Spike's Son's name
(KAI) = Spike's Daughters name
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Alpha1 wrote:Any way So how much does a new Lantac Raven in .22 cost now a days. Whats a good second hand price for one.
Information that I too seek...
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:29 am
Sorry I didn't manage to shoot last night, I had other work to complete for the club.
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:41 am
by TattooedGun
HALODIN wrote:Sorry I didn't manage to shoot last night, I had other work to complete for the club.
No problem.
There's no rush... in the next 2 weeks I'm away twice so wouldn't be affording anything this side of christmas, which just gives me more time to mull over my options...
It would be nice to get AR15's take/experience on the matter though...
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:58 am
Sure, no worries although it won't be until next Tuesday now. I doubt Paul will wade in on a Spike V Lantac debate, as it's probably a little contentious.
In answer to the question above, I don't think we know how much a second hand Lantac Raven costs, because no one's ever seen one offered for sale publicly... Speaks volumes, but then again I've never seen a billet Spikes either...
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:49 am
by TattooedGun
HALODIN wrote:Sure, no worries although it won't be until next Tuesday now. I doubt Paul will wade in on a Spike V Lantac debate, as it's probably a little contentious.
In answer to the question above, I don't think we know how much a second hand Lantac Raven costs, because no one's ever seen one offered for sale publicly... Speaks volumes, but then again I've never seen a billet Spikes either...
Oh, I'm not sure about the Lantac vs Spike. - That's not my point. I'm still interested in the accuracy that can be offered and any group sizes that Paul may have of past rifles.
I know when i bought my Anschutz target rifle I got a 50m group size that that exact rifle put up, which gives an idea of the accuracy of the rifle from the beginning.
I'm sure that he doesn't provide this as they are not "target" rifles, strictly speaking, but if he has any evidence of the sizes of groups that some of his past creations have put up, I'd be interested to see, just out of curiosity of what can be achieved by these rifles.
It keeps coming back to this really, I want something that'll shoot, and shoot well. If I'm to part with roughly £2000 on a rifle, it'll be replacing my HK416, which as we have ascertained is not accurate at all. I want to make sure that I'm going to buy something that
IS accurate. Annoyingly so. Like 0.5MOA or better in .22lr.
Obviously at 100yards wind plays a much bigger part. but I'm mostly going to be shooting it at 25 yards, indoor.
I wanna shoot a gnats bo...cks off at that range... Or rather, I don't want to do that, but I want to know that the equipment can do that, if I play my part.
I know that making a rifle has many variables, so certain accuracies cannot be guaranteed, but to be able to see historical data that has been achieved would be beneficial into making up my mind of who to drop a not-insignificant amount of cash on, to build me a rifle.
It seems completely alien to me that rifle manufacturers do not publish this data as a matter of course... Surely that's the number one thing someone looks for in a rifle? Is it going to hit what I'm aiming at...?
Re: Accuracy of Lantac...
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:13 pm
.5 MOA at 25 yards is .5 inch/(100/25)= .125 inches, that's just slightly over 3mm which is smaller than the diameter of the bullet. I would say in .22LR for an AR style rifle @ 25 yards, 4 MOA (1 inch group) should be your maximum, with 2 MOA (.5 inches) being your target. I would say anything better than that and you're trying to use the wrong tool for the job. Sure if you put a long heavy match barrel on an AR and use match ammo you'll improve the accuracy, but you're starting to make the AR look more like a Match 54...
I find the copper wash ammo works brilliantly in my AR15, but it isn't match grade ammo and the problem with match ammo is it doesn't always cycle the bolt because of the lower fps. Whatever you decide to buy, I would say the weakest link is the quality of the ammo in a semi-auto, not the rifle itself.