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Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:21 pm
by Rob1
Looking at Pro 1000 for 9mm and .223/5.56 initially.

Maybe add .303 and 7.62/308 at some point in future.

Not looking to debate it just working on principle that guys I know who home load have all said same thing. Not the BEST but a good solid start point. I particularly like the idea that with the right set up each pull can produce a complete round.

As I'm not looking for long distance 1/4 inch groups ( precision shooter I am not) and more as a cheaper option than off the shelf bulk I'm thinking this should be sufficient.

For the foreseeable any way.

Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:27 pm
by Rob1
Demonic69 wrote:Oh god, not the Lee Loaders debate! ;) Just kidding :D
A Demon shouting for God?!?

Couldn't help but have a giggle. :flag5:

Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:38 pm
by dromia
Oh I see you mean their presses not actually the Lee Loaders, pity it looked to be getting mildly interesting there for a wee bit.

Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:08 pm
by Rob1
dromia wrote:Oh I see you mean their presses not actually the Lee Loaders, pity it looked to be getting mildly interesting there for a wee bit.
Ok. So not such a good starter set up then?

Suggestions for a similar thing? At this point I'm all ears for any hints or tips as to which way I should throw the dollar.

Just looking to get it right first time. If such a thing is possible.

So things to avoid his far is Lee loader manual and press. Any others I should steer clear of.

I'm tinternet down at mo so very limited for searches as using boing when I get a signal.

Clearly this will have been hammered somewhere on here but if some one would be so kind as to a condensed do / don't that would be very approximated.

Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:22 pm
by dromia
This has been covered a lot before.

Do some searches here, read a bit then start a fresh post in the Handloading section about your findings and thoughts. You will get loads of advice here, none of it will agree, a few bits will be worth taking notice of and finally there will be loads of advice.

Re: NOOOB Checking in.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:23 pm
by Mattnall
Hello and welcome :wave: