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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:01 pm
by breacher
BamBam wrote:breacher wrote:I reckon they are missing a trick there. With the reputation they have for making a reliable mag - I am amazed they have not done the same thing but in a pmag looky likey body.
Probably to avoid being on the long list of companies that Magpul has sued.
Was not aware of that.
Still, even a plain polymer mag ( with no magpul pattern ridges ) would look better than what they currently offer.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:00 pm
by BamBam
Function over form, why mess with a winning formula. You can get 25 round tactical Plinker mags and then sand/file them to make them fit into better-mag adapter, they might be more aesthetically pleasing. If you can find them that is, Tactical Plinker seem to have gone out of business. They're on the list of companies sued by Magpul too.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:16 pm
by huntervixen
I had the BHOA on my Spikes ... It sort of worked, occasionally working as advertised, but more often not, but as a "manual device" it's useful for ranges that insist on actions shown locked open.