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Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:57 am
by dromia
Helping a member is fine but doing it on a for sale thread isn't really helpful, we have a PM system for that sort of interaction.

The stated price is the stated price and is the sellers choice, this thread has changed from a for sale thread to a whats it worth thread all be it with some interesting background to what it is.

You have to ask yourselves have my contributions on here helped the seller sell his piece, so far it hasn't by the looks of things, it has just distracted from the OP. Farmer7's point is valid that even after all the "help" the seller is happy with his price.

The OP might want consider re-posting his original advert and I will then remove this thread so that he has a clean for sale post.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:04 am
by Sim G
HALODIN wrote:It's being sold for a friend, so I think it's OK.

It was offered at a price that was accepted. That price was confirmed on behalf of the the seller. The deal is done. Throwing into the mix is a poor show.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:40 am
I agree. In all good conscience, if someone doesn't appear to be getting a fair price for something, I feel duty bound to mention it.
Sim G wrote:Integrity.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:42 am
by dromia
It is where and how you mention it that is the issue here.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:49 am
I didn't think it mattered as the owner of the rifle and the thread are different people, but if you prefer, I'll use the PM system next time.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:44 pm
by dromia
Yes that would be better and I don't see the relevance of the owner not being the person who posted the ad.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:01 pm
by snayperskaya
Hunter87 wrote:
snayperskaya wrote:
breacher wrote:If I saw an item for sale, offered the full asking price and then had people telling the seller he should double the price, I would feel miffed !
I agree :good:
Surly it's better that the seller gets a fair price for his item rather than loosing out just so you can get a bargain.
I know how much this is worth but refrained from saying as someone had already said they would purchase it at the price listed in the first post.It the seller had done his/her homework they would know what it is worth and would have priced it accordingly.
How would you feel if you had agreed a sale at the listed price only to have umpteen different people saying the price is too low and the seller should ask more?.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:11 pm
by saddler
Aye....but VCRA items are a different kettle of fish to de-acts, both legally and financially.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:18 pm
I don't think anyone was suggesting that, only that it could have sold for more.
snayperskaya wrote:seller should ask more?.

Re: Deactivated AKS-74U

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:22 pm
by snayperskaya
HALODIN wrote:I don't think anyone was suggesting that, only that it could have sold for more.
snayperskaya wrote:seller should ask more?.
That may or may not be what anyone was suggested but it could make a seller reconsider his/her position on the price.......would people message a seller on Ebay, for example, if an item was priced too low???.