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Re: Remington Thunderbolt = Rubbish Ammo

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:46 pm
by Dellboy
Eley match for serious stuff and Winchester t22 for plinking

Re: Remington Thunderbolt = Rubbish Ammo

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:46 pm
by Mezzer
HALODIN wrote:You'll find copper wash fiocchi just as good in a semi-auto.
I agree. I wouldn't bother with the Fiocchi 'Ultrasonic' though. Absolutely filthy stuff and smokes like a trooper. Spent cases were black with carbon as well.


Re: Remington Thunderbolt = Rubbish Ammo

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:56 pm
by Daryll
I used to only use Minimag in my 10/22, but now use Standard Plus in it and my CZ452, very accurate in both.

My son has some Standard HV that he puts through his 10/22, but it seems to leave a lot of crud particles behind, almost looks like un-burnt powder.

A friend gave me a box of Thunderbolt to try... I think theres still 40 in the box, I gave up after 10...