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Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:16 am
by johnson3392
Thank you dromia. Just shows you should read a post at least 3 times before replying. What you have said has clarified things a lot. I don't to antagonise experienced forum members (sorry Alpha 1) who have taken time to respond to my questions despite them being asked many times before by other members.

I won't get my coat just yet.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:20 am
by johnson3392
Rockhopper wrote:Don't reduce the ammunition quantity you have applied for - the Police will do that for you if they feel the need.
Don't reduce the number of firearms you have applied for - the Police will do that for you if they feel the need.

Simples :-)

(I applied for a total of 1200 rounds of full bore and .22 - I was granted the lot despite not having any ammunition storage provision apart from the little locker at the top of my safe which might fit 50 .303 into it on a good day)
Thanks Rockhopper. That's exactly what my club has said but it seems to be at odds with some of the replies seen. Interesting!

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:21 am
by dromia
You won't antagonise Alpha1 as he is a grumpy, angry, contrary sod to start with.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:24 am
by Alpha1
No dont get your coat my post was not aimed at you personaly it was just a general observation. Keep asking the questions and good luck with yiur application.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:39 am
by johnson3392
Alpha1 wrote:No dont get your coat my post was not aimed at you personaly it was just a general observation. Keep asking the questions and good luck with yiur application.
Phew. I really thought I'd pxxxed on my chips on my first question. You're right. I've just looked at similar posts and the questions are pretty consistent along with the replies.

I'm visiting the outdoor full bore range on Sunday and will meet the club secretary to discuss membership - and maybe have a shoot. A couple of days later my name goes forward for full membership of my local rifle club. All being well I'll submit my FAC application soon after.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:30 pm
by RDC
Having been through the FAC process with Lancs about 2 years ago, and recently offered advice to member who has just received his, I can suggest that the FEO looks at a guideline of 1200 .22lr and 700 for each fullbore calibre. As long as you can store all of that. I put down for 1500 .22lr and this was accepted because I can easily go through 500 a night if being enthusiastic with a semi auto.

On top of the two .22lr rifles, I requested .303, .308/7.62x51, and 7.62x54r rifles all with an allocation of 300, purely because I doubt I could justify or even afford to buy and hold much more than that at any one time anyway.

They were happy that my initial grant was a want over the next 5 years as opposed to a head straight out and buy it all straight away type of thing. I've since done a variation when I had a better idea of what I wanted to actually shoot and had quite a bit more added, but then the FEO is happy that I can safely store up to 10 firearms with the applicable ammo storage available (including 300 12 Ga. Slugs too).

Beware club room experts, I've been given loads of duff gen from some members who still don't want to accept times have changed in the last 20 years.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:15 pm
by bradaz11
you dont have to be able to store all your ammo allowance.

I had 5 different calibers, 4 lots at 700 rounds and 22 at 1500. across my 3 gun and 7 gun cabinet I couldn't store it all. what I could do however is store 300 of each of the 4, or 700 of 2, and 100 of the other 2, but it was up to me to make sure I did not possess more than I could securely hold.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:11 pm
by Alpha1
Thats not what my fiearms enquiry officer told me he only allowed the amount of ammunitoin I could safely store.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:20 pm
by RDC
Same here. I appreciate what you are saying bradaz11, but my FEO (chances are it will be the same one as the OP will have turning up) wanted to make sure I could safely store everything I had asked for if I was to fill my allocation. Which I think is fair enough.

Re: New member and some advice please

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:22 pm
by ovenpaa
I certainly cannot store what is allowed on my FAC, my normal holdings run to probably 10k and after that my cartridge collecting condition allows 600 examples each of any cartridge other than explosive between 2,9mm and 19,9mm - a large Russian warehouse would probably struggle to cater for such an allowance.