To be fair I just don't think he was very familiar with BP pistols - and I didn't know any better. He didn't quibble over anything - and seemed genuine over the phone.Hrun wrote:That seems fair. My blued revolver cost £100 and needed ne nips. That cost the nips and three wrenchesn to get them out..
It would have helped you if the seller had been more honest, I bought mine in person. I would always be wary of a gun described 'as new' after all, that implies no-one has shot it, ever.
With the exception of my classic military rifles, which have always been refurbished by ordinance depots, I've always bought new.
I would have done in this instance too but I was unsure of how I'd take to BP and didn't want an instant big loss if I didn't 'get it'. So I'm not used to things not working straight out of the box.
I was tempted by a new .36 Colt Navy for a very reasonable £160 - I'd have had it too but I'd done a lot of online 'research' into topless and brass frames and allowed peeps to talk me out of it because "the frame wasn't as strong" and "brass was liable to stretching and putting the timing out" etc. etc. In truth, given the low loads I'm likely to shoot on our range it'd probably have been absolutely fine but ... older boys made me do it sir. :)