Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

If we entered a time of Civil Unrest/Armageddon/Zombie Attacking, what would we do?

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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#31 Post by Gazza »

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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#32 Post by RDC »

Quite a few zombie book series explain it by the zombies secreting an oil or gas that completely makes other things repulsed at the thought of eating them.

Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#33 Post by Gazza »

I can see them being surrounded by by some sort of repulsive gas for sure :good:
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#34 Post by Chuck »

Political Correctness is the language of lies, written by the corrupt , spoken by the inept!

Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#35 Post by Gazza »

Talking of zombies "gassing off"........Why in the films is nobody going phew, what a niff and yacking up constantly?
And with all the gunfire in shopping malls and other enclosed spaces why isnt the trapped gas igniting? These zombie hunters rely on calor gas bottles and a 9mm. Ohh the flaws in these films teanews
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#36 Post by Blackstuff »

They'd all go blind overnight if there was any semblance of reality in the films but that would make things a bit dull! And weren't zombie films originally made as Cold War propaganda for the spread of Communism?

This is however an important topic and I will give more thought to it. lol


The Mad Machete
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