MOD range access.

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Re: MOD range access.

#31 Post by dromia »

You should have gone to Barnard Castle.

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Re: MOD range access.

#32 Post by phaedra1106 »

I wish I had, would have been a lot safer! lol

Good news is considering I had to be got out by the fire brigade I'm not too badly injured :good:

No bits hanging off or broken!. The usual shoulder and neck problems and as I said my brain is like pea soup (so not much of a change!) but wasn't a good way to spend my birthday!, and I had heart problems which they hope have settled down!.

Car is a complete write off, apparently being driven into by a 2.5 - 3 ton Transit doing about 40mph coming the other way that the driver had jumped out of will do that :o

Could be a lot worse all things considered!

That was pretty good, over a dozen spelling mistakes and only took me about 15mins to post it!
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Re: MOD range access.

#33 Post by Alpha1 »

I spoke to the people in the Catterick/Bellerby booking office this morning they are not accepting any bookings until further notice. The wait goes on. fingerscrossed
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Re: MOD range access.

#34 Post by Alpha1 »

Dear Club Member

We are delighted to confirm the following:-

From 4th July, all NSC ranges will be open for affiliated club and member bookings, Wednesday to Sunday. Further details below.

A busy programme of competitions, including the autumn NRA Imperial Meeting, runs from 26th August to 25th October. Further details below.

Ammunition Sales and Rifle Hire
From 4th July, the armoury is open for ammunition sales and rifle hire, Wednesday to Sunday. Contact the armoury or 01483 797777 extn. 134

Training and Assessment Courses
Commence from Saturday 1st August. Further details below.

National Clay Shooting Centre
From 4th July, open for English and Olympic Skeet, DTL, and OT, Wednesday to Sunday. Contact or 01483 797666

Clays Café
From Friday 17th July, serving a limited menu with hot and cold beverages, open Friday to Sunday.

Accommodation and Camping
From Thursday 16th July; online bookings open Monday 13th July via ... bility.asp

NRA Offices
0830 to 1700 Monday to Friday; telephone 01483 797777

The relaxation of some of the restrictions put in place by the Government to combat COVID-19 will allow us to edge a little closer to normality in our procedures, but more importantly we will be able to open additional ranges and practice other disciplines. This will, however, require some adjustment to the way in which we are manning the ranges:

The NSC supervision on the ranges will be reduced from the 4th July 2020. Range Safety staff will be visiting each range regularly but there will not be anyone encamped on the range, as in recent weeks.
In an attempt to protect staff and customers we will continue to minimise the footfall through the range office. Lane allocation will be displayed at key points around the complex and radios will be provided in each area. If you have a problem please call the range office on the radio provided or 01483 797777 Ext 152. The range staff will respond.

- Rifle hire will resume but must be pre-booked and prepaid.
- Firearms and ammunition can be collected at the range office window

The additional facilities available are:

Melville Range with restrictions on targets available at 25m.
Cheylesmore Range using alternate targets
Manual targets with markers on Century, Stickledown and Short Siberia
McQueen Castles on Century only
For the time being the Zero Range will continue to encompass Winans Bay B; this will be reviewed in a few weeks once the demand has become clear.

Payment for and use of the Zero Range will revert to the normal procedure w/c 4th July. Zeroing Targets will be available at the range office window for £5.00 from the 4th July.

The opening of additional facilities and the return of services such as firearm hire are very welcome milestones but we ask that you bear in mind that the Range Services Team is not at full strength at the moment, with many of the team helping out in unfamiliar areas.

There are procedures for each range; please take the time to look at them prior to arriving at the National Shooting Centre. They do provide additional detail that you will need for an enjoyable visit to Bisley and can be found at ... sessments/

In light of the opening of accommodation, caravan sites and hospitality in early July, and following positive responses to surveys, we will now press on with launching the revised programme of late summer and autumn competitions.

We are working up COVID-secure protocols for each event and will publish details well in advance. The safety of all competitors, visitors, range officers and staff is uppermost in our minds. We are confident that if people follow the guidance, observe social distancing at all times and maintain good personal hygiene, these events will be safe and enjoyable for everyone.

For Match Rifle, Civilian Service Rifle and Target Rifle, the respective Meetings will be designated ‘Imperial’ competitions; major prizes will be awarded including the Hopton (MR), individual and Methuen team match for CSR, and the Grand Aggregate, St George’s and HM Queen’s Prize for TR.

The GB F Class Association (GBFCA) and NRA will stage a joint F-Class Meeting in early September – details to follow.

For Gallery Rifle, the GR Nationals and Autumn Action will go ahead broadly as scheduled - some minor changes will be explained in forthcoming announcements.

Target Shotgun shooters can look forward to their autumn festival in its regular position in early October, with the possible inclusion of the Cottesloe Heath Challenge.

Classic & Historic shooters can look forward to the Trafalgar Meeting. A revised Handbook is nearing completion and will be published shortly.

Details of each event will be released in the coming days and weeks, with entry forms to follow approximately 6 weeks before the start of each competition.

The outline dates are:

Match Rifle 26-31 August
Civilian Service Rifle 3-6 September
Gallery Rifle Nationals 5-6 September
F Class 10-13 September
Target Rifle 12-19 September
Target Shotgun Festival 3-4 October
Trafalgar 17-18 October
Autumn Action Weekend 23-25 October

We will resume training from 1 August, giving priority to those who had their training suspended in March. It will take a few days to work through the backlog so please be patient, but we will be in touch.

We will add extra courses during the autumn to cater for pent-up demand for RSO, RCO and Club Instructor, both at Bisley and regionally, and re-schedule the Black Powder and Hand Loading courses where possible.

We all share the responsibility for keeping safe and complying with COVID-19 guidance – please respect and maintain social distancing.

So my local MOD range booking office tells me I can not book any ranges until the Government informs them that the restriction on groups of 6 people being on the range together are lifted.
Yet the NRA governing body opens up Bisley for Club bookings. Opens up the food hall. Alows the purchase of ammo and gun hire etc etc what a f--king farce.
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Re: MOD range access.

#35 Post by dromia »

Where is the NRA regional chap in all of this?

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Re: MOD range access.

#36 Post by RDC »

Covid-19 Restrictions NRA Guidance for Clubs that operate an indoor range(s).

The Government announcement on June 24th confirmed that indoor sports facilities must remain closed by law. Details are available here:- ... ter-4-july

The NRA believes that Club operated indoor ranges are indoor sports facilities and therefore, until the Government changes the law, must remain closed. NRA position on Club indoor ranges. NRA affiliated Clubs operate over 300 indoor target shooting ranges throughout the UK.

These ranges provide a safe environment for thousands of Club members to practice their sport. Target shooting on indoor ranges is a carefully controlled activity, managed through processes and procedures that can be readily adapted to comply with social distancing advice, hand washing and hygiene protocols thereby providing a Covid-19 secure place for Club members.

The nature of target shooting practices including taking measured and deliberate shots from a fixed firing point at fixed targets, resulting in minimal exertion unlike many other sporting or exercise activities. We believe this, in conjunction with risk assessments and range operating procedures, can allow indoor ranges to be re-opened in a way that keeps Club members and the general public safe.

The NRA recognises that affiliated Clubs that operate an indoor range are eager to re-open and allow members to enjoy their sport after many weeks in lockdown. The NRA is actively working with other agencies to encourage Government to review the law as it applies to indoor shooting ranges. This is an evolving situation; further updates will be provided in the coming days.

Nic Couldrey Regional Ranges Manager

You'll have to excuse the formatting. I copied from a PDF...
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Re: MOD range access.

#37 Post by dromia »

So nothing from him about getting to use MOD ranges other than Bisley?

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Re: MOD range access.

#38 Post by phaedra1106 »

Alpha1, we use the same Landmarc office (Richmond) but a different contact number/staff as we fall under the Otterburn Training Area.

The latest advice we have from them is that we could book 2 range dates from July 20th but no mention of the 6 person group limit.

I received bid acceptances this morning for all four of our dates on Ponteland and Otterburn, so as far as we can tell our shoots are still going ahead.

I've asked them to contact the DIO at Otterburn to confirm the 6 person limit and they are doing it this afternoon. As soon as I get an answer I'll let you know.

Using the Otterburn Camp ranges where we have a full days shoot all we need is an RCO, we can then run multiple groups of 5 shooters staggered over the course of the day.

However, using the ranges at Ponteland we have to provide an RCO, 2 sentries and a butts supervisor so that's completely impractical.
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Re: MOD range access.

#39 Post by RDC »

dromia wrote:So nothing from him about getting to use MOD ranges other than Bisley?
Not since the last update from them posted by Alpha1 stating it's impractical.
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Re: MOD range access.

#40 Post by Alpha1 »

The booking office I use is at Wathgill Catterick.
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