No, the Vaccine lowers the risk of serious illness, however if you have exiting conditions (including age), you can still end up in ICU.Airbrush wrote:Not true though is it, the vaccine stops serious illness.Christel wrote:Alpha1, funny and true in a morbid sort of way
A GP friend of mine explained it (vaccination) as, it gives you a 50% less chance of catching it and becoming symptomatic, and if you do, a 50% less chance of ending up in hospital.
Given a FFP3 mask reduces my chance of catching it significantly more than the vaccine ( I saw the abstract of a study on ICU staff, which gave fitted FFP3 masks better than 98% protection, 50x less chance of catching it), for me a well fitting FFP2/FFP3 mask makes lots of sense.
I'm vaccinated as well, but I work in education, which is a plague pit at the best of times, and unlike healthcare, we don't get the good PPE, or priority for vaccines, or supposedly* guaranteed pay if we catch Covid and are forced to take months off work.
*I've heard good and bad about the NHS actually paying staff disabled by catching covid.