I only did the "sack of spuds" (as we call them) role once. I spent half the event holding the stick in gear as the box decided it had had enough - then I got us lost in a loop..stupid road planners eh!!

Road rallies (Navigation events) were fun though....could never get to grips with those "hairy lines" etc but some people are designed for that sort of thing.

Had the same nav pretty well all the time, bar maybe 3 - 4 events.....not bad over what was it ..nearly 20 years..WOW, that long!

Where we stayed there were lots of lovely little single track back roads we could use for practice. Blasting about in the wee small hours wa sgreat fun, no one around...save a courting couple or two who were rudely awakened by the Avenger on full song with all lights blazing! AWWW..

Had the reverse happen, enjoying a night in the car with GOD (Girlfriend of the Day) - we were parked up in a layby (good name that) in the middle of nowwhere - or so we thought.
I commented about all the maddies blasting up the road at daft speeds, till a Mini screeched to a halt and some bearded bloke jumped out and battered on the window, time card in hand, looking for a time! He sure got an eyeful..

All prep was done at the roadside or at the old fellas lock up which contained all the parts of an Avenger bar the shell.. The wall STILL has the yellow tyre crayon marks I used when setting the lights!
One or two offs in practice were a bummer - never dawned on me those wee white flecks were the first flakes of snow not bugs and that the roads were icy....Hmmm!
This from a grass autotest - car was originaly an AUTO...c 1981 This car had more hits than the Beatles.