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Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:01 pm
by Blu
should you ever get to grips with UK gun law you could make a fortune explaining it to us :cheers:
:lol: I've had a look at the UK gun laws from time to time, I even printed some of it out once to show a couple of guys at the range. One fella said to me
Sheeeeit no wonder you came to live in the States
Not the main reason for coming here of course but it does make life a little easier not having so much red tape, for want of better words.

Blu :twisted:

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:04 am
by John MH
Only 8 places left at the moment, we are hoping to get some extra lanes that may allow us to have 60 entries but currently it's limited to 48.

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:34 pm
by John MH
This match is now full, there many be some more places if extra lanes can be provided.

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:39 pm
by Steve E
kennyc wrote:
Blu wrote:Well it's been a long time since I used metric so I had to use a calculator, 1500 grams = a 53 ounce trigger pull, that's some trigger pull. Mind you it should make the competition more interesting.

Is there a law in the UK regarding minimum trigger pull on a rifle, just curious

Blu :twisted:
its less than 3 1/2 LB pull, the same as the US Palma matches require, there is, as far as I am aware, no minimum pull weight for target rifles in the UK,
In Target Rifle the minimum trigger weight (pull) is 1.5kg or 3.307lbs in the UK. It is exactly the same as in Palma shooting. For F/tr and F open there is no minimum trigger weight, the trigger just has to be safe.


Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:54 pm
by ovenpaa
I had my hands on a brand new custom F/TR rifle recently, safety was not in doubt however I got the impression my pulse could have tripped it, the trigger was the lightest single stage I have ever experienced and I run a Barnard that is light.

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:01 pm
by John MH
As there are rapid fire stages and fast bolt cycling required any hair weight triggers would possibly compromise range safety with the unintentional discharge of the firearm before being properly on aim on the target. 1.5 Kg is the minmm trigger weight set or the L115A3, if it's good enough for the Army it's good enough for us.

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:14 pm
by kennyc
John MH wrote:As there are rapid fire stages and fast bolt cycling required any hair weight triggers would possibly compromise range safety with the unintentional discharge of the firearm before being properly on aim on the target. 1.5 Kg is the minmm trigger weight set or the L115A3, if it's good enough for the Army it's good enough for us.
I never thought I'd hear a Matelot say that :G

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:26 pm
by John MH
Well we do actually have a few L115A3's in Naval Service but he Army wrote the book. 8-)

Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:56 pm
by toffe wrapper
If us squaddies wrote the book it must have 99% of the pages on cleaning the thing. And 1 at the back about destruction to stop it falling into enemy hands.
We have a REME armour in our dept who has just left the army, says he could fix anything with a lump hammer.


Re: Precision Sharp and Snap Shooting Match, Bisley, 4 Aug 1

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:02 pm
by John MH
Same lump hammer my guys use to fix my Nuclear Reactor. :grin: