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Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:20 am
by Christel
Chuck wrote:christel: Do tell..PM will suffice :lol:

Scotsgun on the mark there.

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:23 pm
by Chuck
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for the PM christel, I see you in a whole new light now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yer secrets are safe with me.....................but I copied them to........................

Only kidding everyone.

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:38 pm
by bangers
i must have missed this what side was it on?

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:44 pm
by bobbob
Tower.75 wrote:
christel wrote:
Scotsgun wrote: Note that i stated guns and not airguns because that's exactly what the show will call them.
Interestingly enough, when my FEO called a few weeks back (my FAC and SGC were up for renewal) she called my rifles "weapons".
All through the conversation she referred to them as "weapons".

Not sure she is a shooter:)
Mine did that last visit. I brought it up.

"How many weapons do you own?"

"Well I've got..., wait, what? Weapons?"
Well, I have a rolling pin, a set of kitchen knives, some spanners and a hammer. Then there's my cricket bat......................... smile2

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:55 pm
by naomi86
UK Preppers would very much like to show experts if they would like to come forward. However, we also want to show a range of stories and experience, because it is intended to give an insight into the movement.
There is no intention to belittle or mock anyone who takes part, as there wasn't in the first show. The reception on the whole in the Prepping community was positive and those who took part were in no way misrepresented, nor were any privacy details given away.

We are now making more shows, around the UK and Europe. So if anyone wants to show how it should be done, if you feel those used in the first show weren't representative, then do get in touch.

If you do want to pass comment or even take part this time, please contact us at

Thank you

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:42 pm
by Rarms
naomi86 wrote:UK Preppers would very much like to show experts if they would like to come forward. However, we also want to show a range of stories and experience, because it is intended to give an insight into the movement.
There is no intention to belittle or mock anyone who takes part, as there wasn't in the first show. The reception on the whole in the Prepping community was positive and those who took part were in no way misrepresented, nor were any privacy details given away.

We are now making more shows, around the UK and Europe. So if anyone wants to show how it should be done, if you feel those used in the first show weren't representative, then do get in touch.

If you do want to pass comment or even take part this time, please contact us at

Thank you
Surely the first rule of prepping is to not tell everyone about your preps?

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:57 pm
by DL.
Sadly, I think this is a sign of the times. Maybe the relatives that most of us have/had who survived the war years were never the same again after rationing, but "prepping" or having a contingency of food supplies has not been in the public spotlight until now. Perhaps it's been over looked or just not news worthy until the financial crisis, but I must say, Rarms is completely right, if someone out there is lucky enough to be able to stockpile food, then they would be silly to give an indication of their location. In this day with the media streaming being pretty permanent, everyone is identifiable.

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:02 pm
by naomi86
Rarms wrote:
naomi86 wrote:UK Preppers would very much like to show experts if they would like to come forward. However, we also want to show a range of stories and experience, because it is intended to give an insight into the movement.
There is no intention to belittle or mock anyone who takes part, as there wasn't in the first show. The reception on the whole in the Prepping community was positive and those who took part were in no way misrepresented, nor were any privacy details given away.

We are now making more shows, around the UK and Europe. So if anyone wants to show how it should be done, if you feel those used in the first show weren't representative, then do get in touch.

If you do want to pass comment or even take part this time, please contact us at

Thank you
Surely the first rule of prepping is to not tell everyone about your preps?

The first programme hopefully showed, and we intend to maintain that we don't disclose where our contributors come from, nor where their preps/bug out locations are. It's more about the practise and movement than showing things that people don't want to be seen. We are dealing sensitively withmatters of anonymity and security. We have known preppers on board to consult with us and ensure we are working properly.

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:24 am
by Fedaykin
I doubt anybody who shoots in the UK would put their head above the parapet and say they are into American style SHTF prepping! It would probably illicit unwelcome interest from neighbours and local plod! Try explaining to the FEO that your guns are needed in case of a major collapse of society.

I must admit I do enjoy looking at American prepper videos with all their acronyms on Youtube! They are hillarious as they explain how they will protect themselves from the hordes come a collapse! To be honest it is a fun game for them dressed up as something important! I must admit I do wonder what they do with all their stored food once it goes pass its use by date!

Re: UK TV Documentary into Prepping and Survivalism

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:59 am
by $harp$hooter
Fedaykin wrote:I doubt anybody who shoots in the UK would put their head above the parapet and say they are into American style SHTF prepping! It would probably illicit unwelcome interest from neighbours and local plod! Try explaining to the FEO that your guns are needed in case of a major collapse of society.

I must admit I do enjoy looking at American prepper videos with all their acronyms on Youtube! They are hillarious as they explain how they will protect themselves from the hordes come a collapse! To be honest it is a fun game for them dressed up as something important! I must admit I do wonder what they do with all their stored food once it goes pass its use by date!
I'm in the same boat. I really only watch the American Doomsday prepper programs for the heck of it and to get some entertainment out of how bad some of the people on it are in terms of mere common sense. Did anyone recently watch the one where one prepper almost blew out the ear drums of another in a "practise" shooting exercise.