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Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:41 am
by Jenks
The other day whilst driving on the A338 on the northern outskirts of Tidworth I remembered that there was a Military Cemetary and CWGC cemetery accessed off that road. I had visited the cemetery Many years ago whilst on a walk in the area. I walked up and down the rows of stones looking at the regiments and names. I came upon this one, It shook me up a little. He was one of, one hundred boys in my intake when I joined the army. His regimental number was 23856202 mine was 23856192 pretty close! Sadly although I remember the name I can’t put a face to it.


Some more images of the cemetery here: ... 83&bih=948


Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:18 pm
by Chuck
Jenks, much as I admire your take on all of this, please remember to spend time with the living old friend..we don't want you losing your edge now, do we. :lol: :cheers:

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:41 am
by Jenks

Very good! :lol: Well I will certainly have my fill of the living today. My Grandaughter is having a birthday party at our house. Lots of noisy 6-7 year olds. She was born on Christmas day so her birthday tends to get overtaken by the Christmas festivities. So like the Queen she has two birthdays. Re:Sgt Whitmore, I have discovered that he was killed in a RTA. I have also discovered,that not only was he in my intake he was also in the same company and platoon as me, we would have shared a barrack room. And yet, I still can't picture him. You say you don't want me losing my edge, I fear I am begining to lose the plot :lol: ;)


Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:39 am
by Chuck
I fear I am beginning to lose the plot :lol: ;)
Now don't you fret on that point my old friend, you lost it a very long time ago - never to be found :o :lol: :lol: .

How weird is that though Jenks, this bloke was on your own doorstep so to speak and yet you have no recollection of him, trying to think how that must feel.

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:45 pm
by Jenks
Chuck wrote:
I fear I am beginning to lose the plot :lol: ;)
Now don't you fret on that point my old friend, you lost it a very long time ago - never to be found :o :lol: :lol: .

How weird is that though Jenks, this bloke was on your own doorstep so to speak and yet you have no recollection of him, trying to think how that must feel.

trying to think how that must feel.
In two words... Bloody awful! Serving three years together, two years in the same company and I can't remember him. I console myself in that it was over half a century ago. Makes me wonder how many people from back then remember me.


PS the kiddies party is still going on............ So far the damage is just one curtain bracket ripped off the wall. The entertainer was very good. Lots of good magic, whipped them into a frenzy and left us with the consequences.

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:22 am
by Chuck
Can only imagine mate.

As for the party, Oh just wait till the morning and see where the wee darlings have managed to hide food, sticky sweets...and the cat. :lol: :lol:

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:52 am
by ovenpaa
When the party slows just offer the kids some Pear Drops, hours of fun :lol:

We have an ex Dragoon grave in the Churchyard that I have been trying to research for a while, a bit older than CWGC graves however it is of interest to me.

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:44 pm
by Blu
Jenks, don't sweat it mate. Being honest about it mate with the exception of a few close lifelong friends, I don't remember most of the guys in my intake. Unfortunately the ravishes of time play havoc with our memories of people. If it really bugs you mate you could try getting in touch with the family through REME manning and records. Explain who you are and your relationship to Sgt Whitmore and ask if they could let you have a copy of a photo so you can put a name to a face.

Blu :twisted:

Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:04 pm
by Jenks
Blu wrote:Jenks, don't sweat it mate. Being honest about it mate with the exception of a few close lifelong friends, I don't remember most of the guys in my intake. Unfortunately the ravishes of time play havoc with our memories of people. If it really bugs you mate you could try getting in touch with the family through REME manning and records. Explain who you are and your relationship to Sgt Whitmore and ask if they could let you have a copy of a photo so you can put a name to a face.

Blu :twisted:
Blu.. / Chuck..

Been thinking about this, I guess what really bugs me about this is, as you point out, the memory loss it is yet another indicator of the inevitable decline we all will go through on our journey. I think I'll let it go. Hell in a couple of weeks i will have probably forgotten about it anyway. :roll: ;) The Party was a huge success only one child was actually physically ill and no permanent damage was done. Last year we rented the village hall I think that is what we will do next year.

Happy days :grin:


Good luck on the research of your Dragoon.


Re: CWGC Grave.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:12 pm
by ovenpaa
This is the grave I mentioned, it says (I think!)

Of two good parents
Captain late the Dragoon Guards
of Beverley Yorks
Born March 13 1842
Died October 29th 1915

All I have found so far is he was promoted to Captain 1887, he is listd as 'Late of the Dragoon Guards' and his name is not listed with the CWG and given he died at the age of 73 I can only assume he was not in active service.