karen wrote:alexham wrote:
NRA failed to collect rents from all its tennants for NINE months, but the tennants should have paid their rents "whethere demanded or not" on time. Most did not, but opted to take advantage of this and live rent-free. Massive overdraft that this created and high interest on it is paid by members and that entitles me to ask any NRA tenant: Have you paid your rent?"
You have no idea what you are on about; you make things up to suit your view of the world; you insult, malign and defame intelligent members of this forum and members of NRA staff (and have reduced a female member of staff to tears in the past) and in an ideal world I really would not be bothered to argue with you.
However when you post inaccurate statements that will lead people to see the NRA or other members in a negative way I will stand up for them as will other people on this forum.
I would just like to inform you politely that your comment about outstanding rents does not actually apply to me (for complicated
legal reasons which I would be happy to share with anyone who asks nicely but in view of your previous postings I am certainly not going to share them with you).
To reiterate what John25 said - untruths and half-truths - as usual.
Please try and find out actual
facts before posting not something you overheard on the range or in the bar!
Karen, have you paid your rent? Yes or No! If yes, please post a scan of the rent demand here and proof of payment so that I can tick you off my list. You don't know what I am on about? Read the quote from my earlier message that you posted above.
John25 is flippant and should be ignored. Is he the gentleman who fired a shot at a passer by from his caravan?
I reduced a female member of staff to tears!? What is her name? What was the reason that she gave? Where did you hear about it? In the ladies loo? Can you prove any of this rubbish or are you just dreaming?
What has any of that to do with the loss of Short Siberia?
Short Siberia is closed to members in the week - a fact.
Short Siberia is given to Nuclear Police for exclusive use in the week - a fact.
Nuclear police are paying £500,000 for use of Short Siberia - a fact.
A new 100yds/m facility is being constructed on the right hand side of Century - a fact.
I have posted enough facts here to sink a battleship[*]and I was the first to let the forum know what was happening and all has been been confirmed.
NRA did not see fit to inform, never mind consult, anyone about this major loss of facility until a notice appeared on the website some 5 weeks after I first posted the
facts and that notice was variously described
by members as disingenuous, confusing and more lies. It reads as if it were drafted for the benefit of muppets! NRA is doing itself a big favour in the way it conducts matters, especially the relationship with the membership, which has not been good for decades. This has no connection or relevance whatsoever with what I did or not do in 1980s. It is not about me but about Short Siberia! Understand?
Does NRA have the mandate to give one class of shooters preference over others?
NO. Was it correct to do the deal with the nuclear police without researching how many members would be greatly inconvenienced, why they were and what kind of shooting they did?
No! Some of the decision makers are not sure where or what Short Siberia is!
I started this thread because I particularly wanted to hear from members that shoot regularly on Short Siberia in the week with the view of taking the matter further with the decision makers. Former staff are in neither category and neither are members who shoot only at weekends.
[*]I know that battleship are not sunk by facts, but anything can be sunk by incompetence!