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Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:12 pm
by Chuck
Seems someone doesn't know the law in the Uk ... 57517.html

Despite being extremely unlikely that the undead might roam the earth killing us off, you may be surprised to learn that official plans have been prepared just in case.

The U.S. Centres for Disease Control and, more bizarrely, Bristol City Council, have provided advice with dealing with reanimated corpses.

The English local authority suggests arming yourself with a stun gun, handcuffs and a protection suits to both defeat and avoid the plague of the living dead.
According to CDC plans, they “would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak” if ‘zombies did start roaming the streets’.
Maybe we should all ask Bristol City Council where we can buy tazers LEGALLY.....and enrol them into here to learn how to deal with zombies properly..

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:51 pm
by Sandgroper
And what is a "stun gun" going to do to a zombie anyway? The hand cuffs - are they suggesting you arrest the zombie/s (Shuffling with intent) or 'cuffing someone to a railing so you can escape! :o :bad: kukkuk

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:03 pm
by Chuck
I think I'll add them to our mailing list..they need to learn abou these things.

Maybe we should send them a link to this forum sim?...or justa sk them for more info on how to apply said techniques..would be good for a laugh I reckon...remember that someone got PAID to think that stuff up.

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:10 pm
by Sandgroper
Chuck wrote:I think I'll add them to our mailing list..they need to learn abou these things.

Maybe we should send them a link to this forum sim?...or justa sk them for more info on how to apply said techniques..would be good for a laugh I reckon...remember that someone got PAID to think that stuff up.
You getting me confused with Sim G again, Chuck? :lol:

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:27 pm
by Chuck
OH FIDDLESTICKS wtfwtf wtfwtf sign01 sign01 sign01 sign01 sign01 >>SEE I am having more and more senior moments mate, no offence of course..... probably cos I am bored rigid at the moment zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom ....OK I'll find something else to blame Sim for SG... :cheers:

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:32 pm
by Sandgroper
:lol: No worries, but you should give that council a call to highlight the errors and see if they want to take you on as a Consultant!

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:36 pm
by Chuck
I'll do them a special Zombie awareness course..just bring in some guest speakers and advisers from on here :lol:

The fact they actually sat down compiled and issued "advice" is surely good reason for them to attend a proper course...I reckon we could charge about say...£250,000....seems the going rate for these council do's....interested? We could even hold it in the US to fit in with council junket theories.

I'll wait till just before next fiscal year before I do...after all the locals should know their zombie advisers have received training.

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:47 pm
by Sandgroper
Chuck wrote:I'll do them a special Zombie awareness course..just bring in some guest speakers and advisers from on here :lol:

The fact they actually sat down compiled and issued "advice" is surely good reason for them to attend a proper course...I reckon we could charge about say...£250,000....seems the going rate for these council do's....interested? We could even hold it in the US to fit in with council junket theories.

I'll wait till just before next fiscal year before I do...after all the locals should know their zombie advisers have received training.
£250 000 sounds like a bargain - especially if you break it down to £ per voter! ;) Get the students from the local Uni to ask that Council has up to date planning awareness and that's the retirement fund sorted! clapclap

bangbang zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom zzzzom

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:35 pm
by Chuck
great idea SG and if it catches on I can get one of these.. ... se-photos/

Re: Surviving the end of the world.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:26 am
by Burner
You know they probably already layed claim to the 250k (or more) for training.
You know the bureacrats all got togeather, knocked back a few pints and watched "Shaun of the Dead" and charged 250K for it.