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Handicap System Info

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:05 pm
by MrD

I am looking for some pointers on setting up a handicapping system for use within our club. The previous system was based on averaging a number of submitted cards. While this sort of works, it seems a bit random to me. Most other sports systems seem to incorporate a weighting system, to try and iron out fluke (or manipulated???) scores from suddenly changing the handicap, which is where our averaging system falls down.
I have seen mention of both a Macrae and Dee (or Dees) system but can find no information on the web.

Any help much appreciated



Re: Handicap System Info

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:13 pm
by meles meles
How about the Shariah Handicap system ?

Chop off the trigger finger of the best shooters...

Re: Handicap System Info

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:45 pm
by hitchphil
The excel equation for McRae handicap is:

Handicaped score =51-((51-D)/(51-C)) where column D is the actual score & C the handicap declared - this equation works for a fullbore TR score of 50. For a smallbore 100 use 101. etc for other scores.

Another thing to consider is to roll an average over 10 cards but remove the highest & lowest scores. Often done on smallbore leagues of old.

Re: Handicap System Info

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:09 pm
by MrD

tyvm, just what I was looking for!

And Meles...... so tempting....with that method I've eventually got to win something :twisted:
