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Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:44 pm
by alextwogun
Quick tip for anyone who has these or is thinking of getting them.

I took my AP Custom 4x4's out today for a test run and found my shells were jamming in the carrier more often than not. The rim of the brass head was getting stuck between the carrier wall and the screw used for the foil clips that keep the shells in place. If the shells are not perfectly aligned when removing (which they never are) the rim seems to get stuck between the screw and the wall. Luckily the screw uses a washer so removed the washer and now the gap is big enough for the rim regardless of how it is aligned and the foil strip still keeps them in place. :) So for each 4x4 carrier you'll only need to remove two washers on the side of the brass head, normally the left.

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:32 am
by Chuck
ttiuwp just a thought.

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:37 am
by Blackstuff
I believe this is the type;


Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:59 pm
by alextwogun
Blackstuff wrote:I believe this is the type;

Thanks Blackstuff. I'm talking about the screw just above the "www". The shell rim gets caught between that and the back, it won't fit through unless perfectly aligned. Remove the washer and its all good.

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:11 pm
by Chuck
Oh nice, I need one of those..I hope I can get locally :cheers: ... ?viewImg=1

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:32 pm
by alextwogun
Chuck wrote:Oh nice, I need one of those..I hope I can get locally :cheers: ... ?viewImg=1
Local to planet earth. Got mine from Brownells for $70 each. Midway UK are charging 90 quid each. LOL, no chance. ... 42962.aspx

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:40 pm
by 4Islander

The game has moved on & left these old box holders & also the weakhand loading method behind, what you need now are the new taccom qualoads.

8 shells loaded in under 3 seconds with a little practice & they are also a hell of a lot cheaper. ;)

This guy can load 8 shells in around 2.5 seconds... :good:

Here is four4islands shooter Jon Holloway at a recent match with some taccom goodness on his belt...



Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:39 am
by Chuck
AlexT: have you checked the price at Dillon $29 + $10 for a Bladetech belt fixing if you must have that. $39. prices seem to vary quite a bit.

4islander: Cheers for that but I don't do PSG so a full reload is not needed. We do ammo transition drills from shot to buck to slug or any permutation thereof with the shotgun held on target - finger off trigger of course. It sure looks a cool way to recharge the magazine though.

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:38 am
by Blackstuff
4Islander wrote:Guys

The game has moved on & left these old box holders & also the weakhand loading method behind, what you need now are the new taccom qualoads.

8 shells loaded in under 3 seconds with a little practice & they are also a hell of a lot cheaper. ;)

This guy can load 8 shells in around 2.5 seconds... :good:

I have turned to the dark side and got a pair of qualoads but at present i can't load with them any faster than i can with CCW caddies (approx 6 seconds for 8 cartridges), i'm hoping that'll improve or they'll be up for sale! I find loading with them on the move to be much more difficult than CCW caddies and its an even more dexterous task - which is what i was trying to get away from. Using CCW caddies with ice cold fingers is SO slow but i don't even think i could get the cartridges out of the qualoads held correctly in the cold! :lol:

TBH i was massively underwhelmed with what you get for your money, plus all the smoothing you have to do yourself so that you don't accidentally commit suicide by catching your wrist on one of the many razor sharp corners :o Also i just can't do the 'rocket launcher'/strong hand reload shown in the clip so i still have to weak hand load turning the gun over. Not a fan so far as you may tell :lol: I need to get my @r$e in gear and get on the F4i forum as there appears to be lots of info and videos on using them.

Re: Customised my AP Custom Shotshell Carriers

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:50 pm
by johngarnett

Are there any UK suppliers of shottie speedloaders please and even better going to the Phoenix?


JohnG :cornwall: