list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

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list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#1 Post by paulbradley »

Hi all. I am an ex smallbore shooter. I have recently taken up fullbore. I am interested in shooting postal leagues and comps as well as attending comps in the localish area (south). There does not seem to be a resource page that one can find details of such things. If anyone knows one then please let me know! If there is no such thing I would like to suggest creating a sticky on here which can be added to by clubs and orgs. Paul
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Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#2 Post by 20series »

Hi Paul, welcome to the forum

you might like to introduce your self on the new members page and tell us all about yourself :goodjob:

As for your question, here's a link the NRA calendar of events which could be a good start ... mancal.asp

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools!!
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Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#3 Post by IainWR »

Hi Paul


You may have some difficulty getting a positive answer to your exact question. Remember that both the range facilities and the conditions of the day can be enormously variable and that has a huge effect on scores in fullbore. Consequently, almost all fullbore competition is shoulder-to-shoulder, or at least squadded to a pattern on the same range on the same day. This means that it is usually essential to travel to a venue for a competition, which does make for a more sociable basis in that you actually meet the other competitors and get to know them over time.



Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#4 Post by paulbradley »

Thank you for the replies. Iain that makes total sense. I will cross postal leagues out of my plans! I have seen the NRA list which is great but does not include open comps at smaller clubs which I would find a real benefit.
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Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#5 Post by IainWR »


The NRA used to employ a Useful Person who did that kind of stuff. if you are a Member you might ask the people in charge why such a Person is no longer employed. Not that I have a vested interest:(


Married to the formerly Useful Person

Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#6 Post by paulbradley »

Aha!! The dreaded budget cuts..

Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#7 Post by karen »

Nope nothing to do with budget cuts - was bullied out of my job :cry:


Formerly Useful Person

Re: list of fullbore comps and postal leagues.

#8 Post by paulbradley »

That is not nice, very sorry to hear it.

Not useful but living with someone who tolerates me..
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