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Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:59 pm
by Kho
Hello Guys,

Looking for some advice on rifles for both .22 and something larger maybe 5.56 or 7.62.

Ideally they will both be tactical, I prefer the feel and balance of that type.

I have in mind the S&W 15-22 - it seems to get the better write up for Assault rifle style .22 and its the closets to a full copy of the M4 for operation.

For a larger rifle I'm a little lost. If I had to choose I'd have a bolt action M16 but it seems a bit f a waste of such a good platform to stick a bolt in it. Any suggestions out there?

Many thanks

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:05 pm
by Mike357
CMMG for your 22. For a bigger calibre ( assume you mean straight pull rather than bolt action?) I'd go for a Lantac competition AR.

You could spend a lot more of course?

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:58 am
by Kho
Thanks for your post mate.

I haven't come across th LANTAC kit yet so thanks for that. Yes, I do mean straight pull.

First of all what mad Roy's choose the CMMG .22 over the likes of a S&W 15/22 ? Or the Colt M4 .22?

I really like the .223 kit LANTAC have, they're very nice. I wouldn't say money is no option but I could spend what I want. That said spending £5k on a rifle is out of the question as I just wouldn't get the use out of it.



Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:09 am
by ovenpaa
What about a .223 black gun with an optional .22LR upper so you have the 'best' of both worlds.

I have a Speedmaster which has a Wylde chamber, this means it safely shoots 5,56x45 + .223 + will accept long loaded .223 if I want and by pushing two pins out I can swap to a .22LR upper which enables me to take advantage of cheaper ammunition plus it becomes a semi-auto.

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:07 am
by SevenSixTwo
Spikes tactical 16" LE .223 + 22LR upper. Job's a good 'un.

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:23 am
by froggy
Salut ,

It comes down to your budget and what you need from your rifle. As far as the "AR type" 22 lr are concerned, you identified a good option. There is also the CMMG.

CMMG is a M4 with a 22lr upper , so it is exactly the same weight, operating mode etc ... making it a good tool for drilling . The problem is that , beside the difference of recoil of course, in practice the BHOA (Bolt Hold Open Actuator) is far from working 100% . When it works its great but the bolt can close on last round meaning that on stopage you can not visualy ID an empty mag . The bolt can also stay open and then close when removing the mag. This means that on speed-reload drill it denies you the option of using the ping-pong padle and forces the use of the charging handle.
Also the CMMG is terribly expensive for a mere 22lr as it doubles its price to cross the pond but as far as I know you can slap a 223 uper on your "22Lr lower", so you are kinda buying 1 1/2 rifle.

The S&W on the other hand is purely a 22 lr aiming to replicate the AR . It is made of polymer so it is a little bit lighter but in practical/usage terms is the only difference. It does it all like a AR and it is very reliable, works all the time as it should . It is also so much much cheaper & also has a pica-thingy quad-rail built-in that the CMMG does not and that, should you need it , or think you need it , will have to buy extra. Every single owner of SW 15-22 I know rave about them . I tried couple of them and to drill the functions of a Semi-Auto AR there are brilliant !!

Both will give you hours of fun & a big smile on your face :good:

M16 but it seems a bit f a waste of such a good platform to stick a bolt in it
Cant agree more ...

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:44 am
by techguy
For a .22, I would go with a 15-22 (I have one, it's great!) It was designed as a .22 in an AR package and not a conversion like many on the market. Plus its a boat load cheaper than any CMMG, Spikes, Lantac etc.

For a .223 I would go for a Bradley Arms, or a Lantac depending on availability. Both are supreme rifles, both have great after sales support.

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:23 am
by Apphelia
How about a nice straight-pull Saiga?

Black - check
Tactical - check
Rugged as hell - check

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:20 pm
by ovenpaa
I remember shooting a McQueen with Doz of this forum, he was running a straight pull 7,62x39 in torrential rain, the water was pouring out of the barrel like a hose pipe had been stuffed in the ejector port. He just grinned and kept on shooting and the rifle never missed a beat tongueout

I was impressed.

Re: Which tactical rifles - rimfire and centre fire ?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:55 pm
by froggy
Spasibo tovarich Michael !