I use a scope mounted on as it can be calibrated to the scope which in turn is calibrated to the bore using the Wedge system made by the Shooting shed.
I dont like the rail monted ones as some of the cheaper ones dont align well, also, if you want cant, you can set it using the scope mounted bubble.
I was lead to believe that cant in itself was not an issue as long as you were consistent and zeroed for it (TR shots all used to can once...or was is small bore.... sign85 ).
However, given we shoot at a 5" V and a 10" bull at 1000 then I am afraid I disagree...cant is significant in some disciplines and to be avoided.
Actually, if you are near the line its a probem in any long range discipline and one constant you can fix quit easilly.
Cant is an odd thing, I find that I am convinced my cross hairs are vertical, but check the bubble or a decent datum and I am off...wonky....normal I guess
I recently heard one KIA at a local club holding court (you know the type...jacket like a cub scouts blanket, mostly from blue peter and frosties packets) and commenting on my Dolphin.
Quite offensive actually.
Now I was only there for a quick chrono session, and he did not clock I was wearing actives :roll:
"I dont know why people spend all this money on rifles like that, and those level things are a waste of time, etc etc, drone drone".
I rounded on him and politely pointed out the errors and what I was trying to achieve (and still am).
All BS, turned out he was a LR pistol shooter who really should have known better....
In itself a level wont win you a comp, but it may keep you the point or two it takes to win the comp .