Catton Park: Badger, Bambi burgers and a superb shoot

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meles meles
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Catton Park: Badger, Bambi burgers and a superb shoot

#1 Post by meles meles »

We're toddling off to Catton Park tomorrow, oomans. It's an excellent shoot with plenty of challenging targets spread over a few hundred acres of land: some open fields and some woodland. It's run by some of the nicest people you could hope to meet and doesn't cost a fortune either. Nor do the Bambi burgers, which provide haute cuisine sustenance at prices McDonalds would struggle to match. We're going to take our Swiss 7.5x55 K31 for the longer range targets and our AIA no 6 Lee Enfield in 7.62x39 to deal with Mr Piggy in the woods.

Say hello if you see us...
CEO (Chief Excavatin' Officer)
Badger Korporashun

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meles meles
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Re: Catton Park: Badger, Bambi burgers and a superb shoot

#2 Post by meles meles »

We're back, oomans, stuffed full of fine venison and pride.

The AIA 7.62x39 carbine proved very capable of dinging the 420 m plate if we were able to judge the strong and gusting wind correctly, almost as frequently as the K31 did, and that mounts a Pecar 6x45 scope whereas the AIA only has a Walther red dot sight.
CEO (Chief Excavatin' Officer)
Badger Korporashun

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
"Quelle style, so British"
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