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Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:58 am
by sconie
Hi folks, since joining my local club I have particularly enjoyed shooting gallery with .38 lever action, so I am looking for to get a marlin or similar for a indoor ranges, as I'm ex army I have always enjoyed full bore shooting and I am considering either a VZ58 in .223 or an AR platform, I don't particularly enjoy shooting .22 so having interchanging calibre on the AR does not really grab me as a big issue.
I bought a six gun scoped cabinet and I'm sure I'll fill it over time, but I would appreciate your thoughts on the above for my first two rifles. I also intent to apply for a 7.62 variation as that was my calibre of choice.
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:28 am
by Mikaveli
Marlin's would be the popular choice for a 38 spl. / 357 mag. lever action. Earlier second-hand ones would be my preference. Should run you about 500 sovs.
What will you be using the .223 AR / VZ58 for? PR / CSR or just plinking / informal target shooting? For AR's if you buy new, the basic choices are (and there downsides):
SGC - not the best customer service rep.
Bradley Arms - not quite as 'sexy' as some offerings, but they function as they're supposed to
Lantac - shiny, but pricey (other than their TCR, which is about 1560 but less 'shiny')
I haven't shot the VZ58, but it seems to have had some good reviews on here. A new one will cost roughly what a second-hand AR will cost you.
The choice is more about whether you want a rifle that 'works' or one to satisfy your inner gun tart - and how much you want to spend.
Oh, and a .22LR should be compulsory!

I prefer full-bore too, but I couldn't put hundreds of .223 down range each week.
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:52 pm
by JS569
sconie wrote:Hi folks, since joining my local club I have particularly enjoyed shooting gallery with .38 lever action, so I am looking for to get a marlin or similar for a indoor ranges, as I'm ex army I have always enjoyed full bore shooting and I am considering either a VZ58 in .223 or an AR platform, I don't particularly enjoy shooting .22 so having interchanging calibre on the AR does not really grab me as a big issue.
I bought a six gun scoped cabinet and I'm sure I'll fill it over time, but I would appreciate your thoughts on the above for my first two rifles. I also intent to apply for a 7.62 variation as that was my calibre of choice.
My first centerfire rifle was a Marlin 1894 44mag and I fully regret selling it! You'll have a load of fun with one and if you want reloading for them is pretty straight forward.
My .223 AR never fails to put a smile on my face either, accurate and with the faster twist rate barrels you can shoot the heavier bullets meaning you can reach out that bit further.Plus you can bling it up if you want. Lantac and Bradley (from all the various discussions on here) look like the guys to go to. My Lantac is great but if you get the chance to shoot any have a go!
I think you have a sensible choice of starter guns, they'll both hold value so you won't lose a packet if in 18months time you decide you want something different then you won't kick yourself. Also get a second hand ruger 10/22 and a 25rd mag and you can have a bit of fun too as it's the closest you'll get to a full semi auto
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:10 pm
by sconie
Thanks for the advice, although I am ex army with GPMG, SLR, SA80, 9MM, 50 cal (Port Stanley) experience, that was many moons ago and my only shooting these days is within my airfield safety role, which is a couple of over and under shotguns and various projectile Vari pistols. I also manage to shoot annually on my extended USA vacation in Florida, where I get my handgun fix.
I did shoot a members Ruger 10/20 at the weekend and I must admit that although in my mind .22 is a training round, I did manage to get some tight groupings with his scoped Ruger, so I will now be adding that to my variation.
I still have to get to grips with barrel twist and powder loads, as my NATO rounds came pre loaded to knock a man down and keep her there (7.62/51) I also gather that the Marlins are getting pricey due to crap production by new owners Remington, so I will hopefully pick up a cheapish River then a VZ58 to kick me off.
After that well let me see..... AR10, Styer,L1a1, how about the new sharpshooter..... The list goes on...LoL
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:30 pm
by IainWR
Do remember that if you want to shoot competitively you MUST have a rifle that complies with the spec in the rules for that class of competition. This is particularly pertinent for the biggest competitive discipline (TR) where the rifle spec is quite tight - you can't just turn up with any 7.62 and expect to be either legal or in contention - you need a gun designed for the task.
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:03 am
by sconie
Thanks Iain, I am slowly learning all the ins and outs from club members, hopefully I will choose wisely.
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:40 am
by JS569
sconie wrote:Thanks for the advice, although I am ex army with GPMG, SLR, SA80, 9MM, 50 cal (Port Stanley) experience, that was many moons ago and my only shooting these days is within my airfield safety role, which is a couple of over and under shotguns and various projectile Vari pistols. I also manage to shoot annually on my extended USA vacation in Florida, where I get my handgun fix.
I did shoot a members Ruger 10/20 at the weekend and I must admit that although in my mind .22 is a training round, I did manage to get some tight groupings with his scoped Ruger, so I will now be adding that to my variation.
I still have to get to grips with barrel twist and powder loads, as my NATO rounds came pre loaded to knock a man down and keep her there (7.62/51) I also gather that the Marlins are getting pricey due to crap production by new owners Remington, so I will hopefully pick up a cheapish River then a VZ58 to kick me off.
After that well let me see..... AR10, Styer,L1a1, how about the new sharpshooter..... The list goes on...LoL
The list does go on and on, there's so many different competition types and collectible areas you'll no doubt find a niche which really grabs you. I mainly have military rifles from the first and second war, whilst I am still very interested in them, rising ammunition costs and the fact some of them are nearly 100yrs old I don't want to be putting loads of rounds through them so I got myself a modern rifle which whilst in a smaller caliber (223) i can use it on land I have access to and on the range it can be fed ammunition at a reasonable cost |
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:11 am
by sconie
That's good sound advice too, the cost of ammo was not my overriding concern at first, but you are right to point out that having a rifle such as a .223 makes financial as well as practical sense.
Although my shooting is all on ranges for no, I would love to be able to use some land and perhaps look into vermin control and even deer down the line. Im in the cenral belt of Scotland but would enjoy traveling around to shoot.
I need to research further into which calibres I would need in order to achieve the above, ideally being able to use a rifle for multiple purposes would make the most sense.
I do like military rifles myself but I'm concerned that some may not look at these as proper range rifles, I need to brush up on my firearm etiquette. LOL
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:44 pm
by JS569
sconie wrote:That's good sound advice too, the cost of ammo was not my overriding concern at first, but you are right to point out that having a rifle such as a .223 makes financial as well as practical sense.
Although my shooting is all on ranges for no, I would love to be able to use some land and perhaps look into vermin control and even deer down the line. Im in the cenral belt of Scotland but would enjoy traveling around to shoot.
I need to research further into which calibres I would need in order to achieve the above, ideally being able to use a rifle for multiple purposes would make the most sense.
I do like military rifles myself but I'm concerned that some may not look at these as proper range rifles, I need to brush up on my firearm etiquette. LOL
Obviously there are specific calibers that you can and can't use for deer but a 308/ 7.62 would do for targets and deer. I'm sure plenty of people here could recommend specific calibers but 308 is a bit of a jack of all trades with loads of different factory ammo options.
There shouldn't be any etiquette into what you want to shoot, as long as you're safe and shoot within range regulations just because some people aren't keen or interested in what you like it doesn't matter.
Re: Help me pick my first two rifles
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:05 pm
by IainWR