Going out on a limb here trying to see if anyone has a leather range bag the kind that has a wooden center that holds 20 .308 rounds and can be used to keep your plotting/score sheet dry.
I have an HPS one but really would like the older smaller leather bag.
Thanks in advance,
Re: WTB Leather full bore range bag/box
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:30 am
by ovenpaa
Fultons of Bisley had some a while ago so they may be worth emailing. They were original well worn leather items, I cannot remember the price however I do remember I was tempted to get one at the time.
Re: WTB Leather full bore range bag/box
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:02 am
by karen
They used to be available from the late Ken Chard at
Download Summer 2002 and look at page 36 - the ad has a photo
Can lend you mine if you are around Bisley and I get it back fairly quickly
They are excellent as they are waterproof and easy to carry and the "lid" bit protects your ammo and stuff when its raining
Ta for that...
Very interesting. I think I have some information on similar items in my pre-war Parker-Hale catalogue.
May be at Bisley for the Trafalgar. ..not booked a stall yet...
Re: WTB Leather full bore range bag/box
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:05 pm
by Holds Tight
They are excellent and more compact (= less space for me to put stuff I dont need on the mound!) than the modern bags, plus the added benefit of being so smart looking!
Re: WTB Leather full bore range bag/box
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:13 pm
by saddler
Holds Tight wrote:...plus the added benefit of being so smart looking!
???Smart looking???
SimG, I'd expect it such statements from, things must be very different in the Commonwealth
Re: WTB Leather full bore range bag/box
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:00 pm
by Holds Tight
Hey I'm in touch with my female side! Besides we look to the Motherland for guidance in all things......hence our screwed up firearms laws. I have a Club member who still has one in the box it was mailed to him.............. in 1982!