7.62x54R Brass
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:39 pm
Wanting to buy once fired 7.62X54r brass to build up my stocks.
Chris sign92
Wanting to buy once fired 7.62X54r brass to build up my stocks.
Chris sign92
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Thank youAlpha1 wrote:I may have some I will check tommorow.
Well you could pull the bullets, empty the case, deprime them and send them to the guy. You know shooters, helping a fellow shooter out kinda thing. Shouldn't take long to do.Alpha1 wrote:Just checked sorry I must of got rid when I sold the rifle I have 50 cases left but they are loaded with cast boolits to shoot on a indoor range. Dont know what I am going to do with them I just found them in the ammo safe.
Hi AlphaAlpha1 wrote:I think the Guy shoots at the same club. I am happy to do that if he is OK with that. Or he could just shoot them and keep the cases. Or he could let me shoot them through his rifle and keep the cases. What ever I dont want any money for the cases but I can not gaurantee they are once fired.