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Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:25 pm
by BestDrugDoc
Quick bit of advice needed please on how to inform the police you want to share shotguns on 2 peoples certificates?
There doesn't seem to be a box in the forms for "share" - only purchased/acquired/sold/disposed
I suppose it comes under acquire for receiving a share but which for giving a share?
Or am I being a bit thick?
Will ask FLO if needed of course.
many thanks!
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:32 am
by Mattnall
Tell the licensing dept you're sharing it (you can write 'lent' or 'given' or even 'acquired' on the form) and the gun will be put on both SGCs and then either of you can take and hold for more than 72hours without informing them.
I have two guns that are held on 3 SGCs and a rifle that is on 5 FACs.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:46 am
by BestDrugDoc
Ok thanks.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:51 pm
by SevenSixTwo
On a related note, can my other half use my rifles 'now and again' without having to go through the trials of getting an FAC?
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:22 am
by Chapuis
SevenSixTwo wrote:On a related note, can my other half use my rifles 'now and again' without having to go through the trials of getting an FAC?
Don't know the situation in NI but on the mainland the answer would generally be No. Saying that there are exemptions that permit a non FAC holder to shoot at a H.O. approved club under certain conditions and there is the so called "estate rifle" exemption that can be used for sporting rifles on open ground but you need to read and understand this carefully to comply with the law, it's not as simple as most people think.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:01 am
by SevenSixTwo
Thanks. Seems a little bizarre that she'd have to get a FAC in order to *not* possess firearms. Our laws never cease to amaze!
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:38 am
by Chapuis
The answer is to get your club to organise official open days if the arrangement is the same as on the mainland or to get her club membership.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:44 pm
by IainWR
Chapuis wrote:SevenSixTwo wrote:On a related note, can my other half use my rifles 'now and again' without having to go through the trials of getting an FAC?
Don't know the situation in NI but on the mainland the answer would generally be No. Saying that there are exemptions that permit a non FAC holder to shoot at a H.O. approved club under certain conditions and there is the so called "estate rifle" exemption that can be used for sporting rifles on open ground but you need to read and understand this carefully to comply with the law, it's not as simple as most people think.
Surprisingly, the answer is mostly yes.
If you only shoot .22" rifles, you may be covered by S11(4) Firearms Act 1968, which allows anyone at all to use a "miniature rifle" on a range where only such rifles are used, without any restriction other than not being a prohibited person under S21 (ie havn't been to jail for more than 3 months or at any time in the last 5 years).
Otherwise, if you go target shooting, you must be a memeber of a HOA club. Presumably if she does a bit of shooting she is also a member? In which case, under S15(1) Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 as amended, she can use your (or anyone else's) guns as a club member for target shooting without a FAC.
If you and she go killing animals on your own land, then she can use your guns in sight and hearing of you to kill animals within the conditions of your FAC. The same applies if you are the "occupier of premises" or the servant of an "occupier of premises" and she is shooting on those premises.
These three cover many (most?) opportunities for occasional use.
Applicable in GB only.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:11 pm
by SevenSixTwo
Thanks, that's useful.
She only wants to shoot now and again. No real serious interest (yet!) but just wants some experience.
Re: Sharing Shotguns (Section 2 only)
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:46 pm
by Mattnall
IainWR wrote:
Surprisingly, the answer is mostly yes.
If you only shoot .22" rifles, you may be covered by S11(4) Firearms Act 1968, which allows anyone at all to use a "miniature rifle" on a range where only such rifles are used, without any restriction other than not being a prohibited person under S21 (ie havn't been to jail for more than 3 months or at any time in the last 5 years).
The S11 exemption is only for those running and operating a miniature rifle range and the shooters are not using their own rifles but those belonging to the miniature rifle club or operator.
Otherwise, if you go target shooting, you must be a memeber of a HOA club. Presumably if she does a bit of shooting she is also a member? In which case, under S15(1) Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 as amended, she can use your (or anyone else's) guns as a club member for target shooting without a FAC.
If you and she go killing animals on your own land, then she can use your guns in sight and hearing of you to kill animals within the conditions of your FAC. The same applies if you are the "occupier of premises" or the servant of an "occupier of premises" and she is shooting on those premises.
These three cover many (most?) opportunities for occasional use.
Applicable in GB only.
As long as she is with the FAC holder she can use the holder's firearms and will have to comply with any conditions on the FAC (regarding target shooting or pest control etc. ie not just killing animals, she can be a guest of the HO approved club or their member(s) and use the firearms there without being a member herself, clubs will have their own rules and regulations on things such as how many tims you can be a guest before you have to apply for membership.
The law states she has to be in the presence of the FAC holder. This is not defined but if she cannot be seen or heard then I'd guess that'll be frowned upon in a court.
This doesn't apply for 'long barrelled pistols' or S1 shotguns.