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What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:03 pm
by StangGT
Apologies if this has been done to death before but as a relative newb to this, I was interested in how some of you folks progressed within the hobby.

So far, I've shot clays and game with shotguns, and I'm just getting in to PSG, which I'm doing by joining the NRA and a local PSG club. I'm nowhere near an FAC yet!

Anyone care to share?

Cheers... (Or skol)

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:14 pm
by techguy
Air rifles + Air pistols as a lad > Shooting on holiday in Florida with all kinds of fun stuff > Local indoor.22 club > Clay shooting > SGC > PSG/Minirifle/Multi Gun > FAC > More of the same, and now CSR as well... that's the short version of my story starting off as a teenager on friends farms etc, spanning about 20 years with breaks in between..

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:17 pm
by Sim G
Feck me, you've gone and done it! Some of the Old Codgers on here have been around since the advent of Blackpowder....

And I'm convinced that some have never owned or even fired a gun!

Family thing for me.... Been shooting 38 years. I'm now 45 years old...

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:11 pm
by Demonic69
Shot as a cadet as a youth, was reasonably good.
16 years later I was watching Piers Morgan on YouTube banging on about guns in America and how safe we are over here and it got wondering about our legislation and gun ownership. Was chatting to my dad about it and it turned out he works with the chairwoman of the club I've since joined. 6 months probation, full membership and just waiting on the FAC to arrive any day now.

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:51 pm
by Doz
Air rifle and pistol in my youth, SLR and other government-type toys a bit later. Then shot proper pistols until the ban when I packed up. Started back with muzzle loading pistols about ten years ago, and rifles about six years ago.

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:52 pm
by zzr1100
Born in Rhodesia ... Nuff said !

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:04 pm
by Egg on Leggs1
I shot extremely well in the Air Cadets if the look on the rock ape Flight Lieutenant was anything to go by but stopped when I left.

Various air rifles and pistols over the years until the best thing that happened in shooting since the war happened, the fool David Blunkett.

Having a firearms licence foisted on me left me with no alternative other than to get firearms.

God bless the fool David Blunkett, a few more politicians like him and we will be using automatic artillery in no time.

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:46 pm
by 25Pdr
Started when I was twelve, (1958). Got a Diana springer air rifle, discovered that if you squirted model aircraft fuel into it, it detonated, giving God knows what power, I don't know, but explosion usually re-cocked the bloody thing. Combined with hollow air gun pellets filled with powdered match heads it became great fun, at night you could easily observe the fall of shot.

Getting bored with that I joined the local Artillery unit (TA) and got to fire no4s Bren Sten and Enfield 38/200 Pistol as well as 25Pdr Field Guns.

Had FAC since 1968 mostly Pistols until the ban after which I was left with one 22 RF Rifle. Got mad and decided to buy as many as possible just for spite, now have over 20 Guns and not finished yet. Member of three Clubs now.

BTW Sim...I used to make Black Gunpowder when I was a boy, you could quite easily buy the ingredients in the 1950s. :grin:

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:18 pm
by ovenpaa
Various air guns from an early age, started shooting at club level small bore aged 16, later moved to shotguns, then Pistols and finally full bore rifles.

Re: What path did you trace to shooting?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:44 pm
by dodgyrog
Started in the ATC. I went once to a practice session and immediately got put in the Squadron team (1107 Sqdn West Essex Wing) - we came 3rd in the first comp we entered and I got a Bronze medal; HOOKED for life.
52 years on and it has cost me a fortune!!!!!