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Browning Gold Fusion

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:12 pm
by cybernet1969

I have a Browning Gold Fusion with 28" Barrel.

So far I have found it impossible to find a new 26" Barrel for it. However, there are lots available across the pond. I tried contacting BWM in the UK but they were useless.

Has anyone here bought a new Barrel from the USA as I am told that its very difficult because of export/import rules due to this strange $100 regulation imposed by the US state department.



Re: Browning Gold Fusion

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:24 pm
by saddler
Yet again...a shooter with a neck condition...

Seems a UK fetish to only turn the head West to the USA for parts.
IF looking that direction I'd consider Canada first.


We are part of the EC.
Quite a few gunshops on the continent of Europe.
Browning has its origins in Liege, Belgium after all !!