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Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:38 pm
by Joe Pugh
Hello everyone

I haven't yet got an FAC but am looking for a club to i can start shooting and eventual go on and get my FAC licence.

I have heard of a club in Pontypool (South Wales) called Crown House Armory. I have looked online for any information but to no success.

If anyone has any info on this club like an email address or phone number that would be much appreciated.

Thanks all. sign92

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:49 pm
by nickb834

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:58 pm
by Joe Pugh
Thanks for your reply. sign92

I have seen this page before and have tried the email which does not work (apparently). And i have tried the phone number but no answer yet anyway.

I have just been told also that there is no club in Pontypool but the Google earth picture on that website refers to where he lives.

I was hoping for a range in Pontypool.

Looks like my closest range to start off shooting is Swansea / Cardiff.

I am also stuck on time and can not shoot on weekends which is annoying and it seems almost all ranges are open weekends only sign01

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:06 pm
by greenshoots
theres the tunnel barry which is open weds daytime


Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:12 pm
by Joe Pugh
Oooo right thanks didn't know Barry was open then thanks for that. sign92

I have just been looking at the Swansea club its closer than Barry for me and open almost 7 days a week.

Anyone had any experience with the Swansea range?

Sorry to be a pain folks I am just trying to get my bearings on whats what and where.


Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:04 pm
by mag41uk
I cant help you but do keep asking.
The folk on here are pretty good and will help if they can.

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:46 pm
by carlsenior
Hi Joe, I'm a member of Swansea, give the Clubhouse a ring directly on 01792 700470 and one of the range officers will talk you through the application process or e-mail the Secretary for more info.
I know there may be a waiting list for membership but it is worth the wait as it's a great multi discipline club (Small bore, Gallery rifle, Black powder pistol, Air gun, Clay target and Archery)
Membership link - Information

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:04 pm
by Joe Pugh
Hi carlsenior

Thanks for your help i have sent an email to the club one to the chairman (who is not longer the chairman but gave me some info) and also to the email you mentioned above.

I was going to give the club a ring tomorrow (Friday) and get some ore info thanks for your time much appreciated.

Joseph Pugh

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:53 pm
by walesdave
FYI: I believe Crown House Armoury was the old name of the Barry Range when it was a privately owned business before becoming a club owned and run by it's members. Club name is now 'South Wales Shooting Centre'. I have a feeling the 'Crown House Armoury' in Pontypool might just be an old registered business address or similar.

Re: Crown House Armory Pontypool??

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:32 am
by Joe Pugh
Ok thanks all for your replies been a great help. :goodjob:

Has anyone been on or is now currently on the Swansea rifle club waiting list and have any idea how long it takes?

Just wondering is all because i am looking into that club now and haven't yet had a reply of anyone from the club house or the secretary email.

And if the waiting list is like a year i may find some other club in the mean time.

Thanks for your help.
