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Blairadam on Saturday

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:19 pm
by shotgun sam
We were at Blairadam Ranges on Saturday and my son Stuart was shooting my T3 at the 200 yards firing point and managed to put every shot in the black using the standard 200 yard targets.

He also had a shot of my SMLE and my uncles 308 but the highlight of the day was shooting a L96 and a Brown Bess. Shooting has now become a lot more expensive for me.


Re: Blairadam on Saturday

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:55 pm
by Sandgroper
shotgun sam wrote:We were at Blairadam Ranges on Saturday and my son Stuart was shooting my T3 at the 200 yards firing point and managed to put every shot in the black using the standard 200 yard targets.

He also had a shot of my SMLE and my uncles 308 but the highlight of the day was shooting a L96 and a Brown Bess. Shooting has now become a lot more expensive for me.

It always does when the family joins in!

My son (10) enjoys his shooting as well and may end up spending the day with me at Cawdor next month.